Safe and Recover ch14

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(thinking) (author-chan 's imput) "muzan talking telepathically " "regular talking" 'small talk' flashback ('flashback thinking') ("tanjiro talking telepathically")

*Some spoilers for those of you who are not far in on the anime or manga*

(The votes will be at the end of the chapter. Sorry for it being short. Also image up top and in this story are not mine along with the videos. Credit to the owners of them. Sorry for any bad grammer. And like always)

Enjoy! UwU


3rd person's POV

A door appeared in front of Rui and opened making him fall in. The katana managed to cut a bit of his hair before the door closed fully. The red and black haired boy slowed to a walk and made his way to the swordsmen. He fell a little as he neared him and took a breather.

The swordsmen looked at him and walked a little towards him. He took Murata off of his back and held his hand leading him somewhere. They ended in a clearing where there was a person with a butterfly like haori and pin in her hair. 

Her hair faded from black to purple on her tips. The mismatched haori swordsmen then gently placed Murata down when Tanjiro passed out. Giyuu caught him before he hit the ground and placed him on it.

"They need to be taken to the butterfly estate for recovery." The butterfly like women said.


We see our red bean waking up in the butterfly recovery room.

Tanjiro's POV

I woke up in a very weird room.(I see my plan had worked.)


I made Rui use some of his webs to make a bit of scratches on all of us.(Zenitsu, Inosuke, Tanjiro) I made sure to get blood everywhere. We set up a scene. A very bloody one at that.  It was by chance that we found a demon slayer. We were in our human forms.

So when we met him we got "attacked" and his leg was injured. I had make sure to tell Nakime when to help everyone escape. We made it look like Zenitsu and Inosuke were unconscious. The father made it look like he knocked Inosuke into a tree.

The brother made it look like Zenitsu was stuck in a web with a bit of poison in him. I had to gain  a bit of Murata's trust so he would let me carry him but it went with it. I had suspected they would send a hashira so I came up with a backup plan if anything didn't go to plan. 

I'm glad I did because there were two that came. I acted like I fell unconscious just to get a bit of information on both of them. The butterfly like women was named Shinobu and has an adopted sister named Kanao that came with her on this mission. Shinobu uses poison to kill demons.

I already knew a bit about Giyuu since we met before. So I won't go into any details about him. Thought it is nice seeing him again.

Flashback end

I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the way but was able to hear them. It was really hard to keep the wounds from healing the first time I found out about it. I'm glad I learned tho. I turned my head to see Zenitsu on my right, and Inosuke on my left. We are all in the medical part of the butterfly estate. 

("Zenitsu. Inosuke. How are you guys holding up?") -Tanjiro

("I am good") -Zenitsu

("Bored") -Inosuke

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