Meeting Again ch6

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(thinking) (author-chan 's imput) "muzan talking telepathically " "regular talking" 'small talk' flashback ('flashback thinking')

(This chapter is early so two again this week. maybe 3. We will talk about the votes  at the end of the chapter. Also image up top is not mine. Credit to the owner of it. And like always)

Enjoy! UwU


Tanjiro POV

We had run for a while. Throughout the entire thing we didn't talk. We were making our way to a mini city, Asakusa Tokyo. Apparently there was a demon sighted there. While walking I stopped for a second.

"Nezuko. It's best we rest here until night fall." she didn't answer and just stared at me. She seemed to be lost in thought. She nodded her head a bit. We sat down and took out something we packed so we could eat.

While we were resting I took out some paper and began to write. These letters are for Zenitsu and Inosuke. I want to see if they will be able to meet us there or travel with us there. After I finished I tied the letters to my crow's leg. I told him who these letters were for and if he could deliver the letters to them.(you guys understand it right?)

After that we both got some shut eye. I made sure to bring some wisteria with me for when we sleep outside. That should keep us safe for now.

Next Day

Nezuko and I were up and traveling again. On our way there we met up with both Zenitsu and Inosuke. We were all making our way to the next mission. Nezuko seemed to be out of it. She kept keeping to herself and didn't talk at all.

We were finally at the place and it was full of people. Night fall was starting to come and we were all looking around. I had a slight suspicion that something was going to happen. I pushed that feeling back though. We had all decided to rest and get something to eat before we went back to looking again.

We settled on an udon cart run by an older man. We ordered and we waited on a bench nearby. Our food came shortly and we ate. While eating I stopped mid bite. (That scent! I know that scent!) I dropped my bowl and followed the scent.

The shouts from my friends were muffled while they tried to call me back. I couldn't go back. Not without answers! I finally saw him. Muzan was just up ahead. Right as I reached him Inosuke and Zenitsu were right on my sides.

I placed my hand on Muzan's shoulder and he turned around. He stood there. A white fedora on his head and those same red eyes. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Nice to meet you again, Tanjiro." he spoke. I was in shock. It really was him. He is really standing right infront of me.

"Muzan, I want answers!" I said finally snapping out of my shock. He looked at me and then fully turned towards me. He had a little girls in his hands. She was human. She seemed happy. Then I remembered something.


I was running outside. It was snowing. I was 4 back then while Nezuko was 3. She was being carried around by father. We were all laughing. A snowflake had fallen on Nezuko's nose making her sneeze. It was fun being together.

Flashback end

This was a memory. I really wish I could do that again. Just feel the touch of my father on my head. His warm hugs. I miss it. I can't go back though. I was about to ask a question when someone spoke from behind Muzan.

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