Chapter Four

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I was growing more nervous with each passing second, the doctor hadn't been in to see Anney and we'd been here for two hours. What was wrong?

My mind went over everything, trying to apply logic to what was happening. 

Today we were supposed to get the results from the tests she had taken a week ago; today we were supposed to know if the cancer was going away. Anney had Pancreatic Cancer, they didn't know what stage she was in, and the stupid doctors didn't know much about her cancer.

They had just diagnosed her three weeks ago when she went in because she was throwing up and had lost her appetite, parts of her abdomen was yellowing. I had thought she had the flu, stupid me didn't even know that my girlfriend had been battling cancer for weeks before anyone knew.

Breaking me out of my thoughts was my phone rocking to AC-DC; I flipped it open and pressed it to my ear;

"Yo?" I asked trying to sustain some normalcy, for Anney's sake and mine.

"Hi Cyler how are things? You've been gone for a long time." Anney's mother; Arica (pronounced Erika,) asked, since Anney was diagnosed she had become a shell of a woman. It was hard watching a person go through this and being so helpless about it all.

"We're still here, in a room. The doc hasn't been here to see us; the nurse came in 'bout an hour ago and told us he'd be here shortly."  I really, really hated doctors, especially when they couldn’t even do their job right.

"Well... maybe I should come down?" I didn’t want to worry her and tell her she should, plus I wanted to prove that I could handle it, but this was her only daughter of course she'd want to be here. 

"Uh... I'll call you in thirty minutes if the doc aint here, okay?" I didn't want to step on any toes but Arica had a reputation for breaking down in doctor’s office, it always made Anney a little tense. I just wanted Anney to be as calm as possible.

"Oh okay." She seemed out of it, I looked over at Anney who was staring intently at the wall.

"Maybe you should have Aaron or Aiden drive you, maybe Alex if he'd there?" Alex was three years older than Anney and had a job a state away, but since Anney had been diagnosed he had been living at their house, still taking business calls now and then.

"That's a good idea, thanks Cyler. You make sure to call me when you get any news, you hear?" I grit my teeth at the things that were happening around me.

"Yes ma'am I will, take care." I snapped the phone shut and held Anney; she leaned into me and started to sleep. 

Literally thirty minutes later the doctor waltzed in pretending like nothing was wrong, I wanted to knock his lights out. I softly shook Anney awake, the doctor acted like he cared.

            “So what’s the news doc?” I asked trying to be my normal self, but my “normal-self” was long gone. The doctor seemed to actual like being called Doc because he smirked to himself and pulled a chair across from us and sat in it. O-kay, something was definitely wrong, doctors just don’t sit down to talk to you, and it’s like a rule of something.

            “Annelise do you want to call your mom for the results.” He looked at Anney, oh no the tone he used was not for the healthy patients, it was for someone he felt sorry for. My mind felt paralyzed, like I was dreaming and now I wanted out.

            “Why can’t you tell me now?” She asked him, her voice shaky.

            “It’s just a question; I noticed you’re here with your boyfriend, not your mom.” He had the audacity to let his eyes slide over to me like I was vile; I wasn’t the one leaving my patients to die!

            “Okay look buddy, you don’t know anything-

            “Please Cyler stop.” Anney was shaking; I didn’t realize I was standing up nose to nose with the doctor who had also stood up. Taking him in I saw he was only a few years older than Alex who was barely twenty. I bit the inside of my cheek, hard and sat back down. Blood filled my mouth; I swallowed it down like I did my pride.

            “I know it’s a difficult time and maybe the other doctors are okay with telling you your results without a parent or guardian present but I cannot. You’re a minor, I need a parent or guardian present to tell you the news.” Now the guy was just being a jack-ass, I crossed my arms over my chest pretending I wasn’t fazed by this.

            “Just tell her the results, her mom’s on her way.” The doc cocked his head to the side, like he was trying to figure out if he should kick me out or kill me himself.

            “If she’s on her way-

            “We live a ways away, why don’t you just tell us so we all can go do something productive.” I was so done playing games with this guy, Anney needed her results, and she wasn’t waiting the hours it would take for Arica to get here.

            “Fine. I’ll be right back.” He got up and stalked away, when he left I sunk down.

            “You shouldn’t have made him mad, who knows when he’ll be back.” I sighed, Anney was right, she always was right. I got my phone out and dialed Arica’s number.

            “Who are you calling?” Anney asked me.

            “Hey Arica I think you better come down here.” 

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