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I see Hailey trying to hold back so I step in between them

"I think you should go back to your cabin" I say and she sneers at me

"Ah yes your death freaks and mr healers kid I have been observing you. And you look a lot like the both of them" She says glaring at me and I saw Papa flinch

I clench my fists. Drew left the camp at 18 but when she visits she still is a bitch

"Yea they adopted me because I looked like them" I lied and she scoffs with a smirk

"Likely story. Go mind your own business I am here to talk to my traitor sister" She says and tried to step around me but I grab her arm

"You call her a traitor but I bet you would be to scared to join the Hunters" I say and Drew glares at me

"What are you talking about. I would be perfect for the Hunters but they aren't my cup of tea" she says and I see Aunt Piper coming over

"Again. Scared. She shows the strength of Aphrodite that you dont so fuck off" I said and Aunt Piper grabs Drew wrist and makes her go back to the table

Piper looks at Hailey holds out her hand "I am Piper. I believe we met when I was on my first quest. Its nice to know a daughter of Aphrodite who is strong and not self absorb" She said and Hailey smiled

"I remember you. Your really strong" she said and Piper smiled

"I better keep her in check but your welcomed at the cabin" she said and went back to the table

Hailey sighs and plants her head on the table and Dad reaches over and grabs her hand

"Ignore her  she is full of herself, she doesnt care about know one by herself" Dad says and Hailey smiles

"Yea I know" She mutters and gets up and looks at Papa

"Ignore her, like Will said. She is full of it" Hailey said and Papa smiled

She glances at me "Thanks" and she walks off

I sigh "I am gonna get last minute training in" I mutter and walk off leaving Austin too look confuse

I go behind Hades cabin and summon a soldier and start battling it out with them getting out all my frustration

It wasnt until I heard a gasp that I knew I was being watched

I turn and see Drew staring at me with a evil grin

"What do you want now" I snap and she shakes her head

"Your death freaks and healers biological kid." She says and I freeze

"No. I said they adopted me" I said and she shakes her head

"At first I thought you where a Child of Apollo they adopted because I saw your light powers but the dead too? Your their biological kid. I have seen Will shirtless so that means death freak is a girl" she said and I glare at her

"Papa is a male" I growled at her and she cackled

"Papaaaa, grow up. She is one of those trannys. Those wanna be boys" she say and I clench my fists shadows began to surround me

"Shut up." I warn as the shadows grow more intense

"Oooo I am so scared. She is nothing but transgender faggot. Guess I know where your broth- or should I say sister got it from. Such a weak bi-" She couldnt finish because she starts screaming

I tackled her shadows coming off me like crazy my eyes glowing bright blue and I began beating the shit out of her

I feel her soul getting weaker as the ground starts to shake but all of a sudden I was tackled off her

The Past (Sequel to Trans Nico Solangelo Love Story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now