Preparing For The Quest

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I get to Hades cabin and see Hailey in a tent that looked amazing

She was looking at a map when I invited myself in

"May I help you?" She asks in an annoyed voice

"Nope just taking a tour" I say and she rolled her eyes

"Since your here. What is the best route to Italy" She asked and I rolled my eyes this time

"Shadow travel. I been to that house so many times its ingrained, I can take us there" I said and she looked intrigued

"I heard of that doesn't your black hair father possess it" she asks and I nodded

"Passed down to me" I said and she nodded

"I remember him, I felt bad about what happened to his sister" Glances at me "your Aunt" She continues

"Yea...Aunt Thalia offered me to join the hunt. I didn't even think to consider it" I said and she nodded

"Its not for everyone. Don't tell the others but I tried to talk your Aunt out of it" she admits and I look surprised

"You did?" I ask and she nodded

"Zoe went to talk Artemis and I told her not too. She had your father to look after" She sighs and I was still surprised

"She loved her brother but she said she wanted to be free of responsibility" She sighed and I heard rustling outside and we glance up and Papa was stepping in with a pained look on in his face

"Um- the horn is broken but its dinner time" he whispered and Hailey looked worried

"Mr.di Angelo I-" she tried to apologize but he stopped her

"Thank you" He said and she looked shocked

"You tried. You went against the Hunters to keep her with me and that means a lot to me" He said and Hailey eyes widen

"Your...welcome" she said offering a smile

He looked at me "before you leave talk to future Nico and Will" he said and walked out

Hailey sighed blowing her mixture grey hair



"You don't seem happy in the Hunters" I observe and she sighed

"More so I don't get along with the girls. Except Thalia and Pheobe" She says looking at a map of Italy

"Why?" I asks and she looked annoyed

"The Hunters are great the strength, the power you feel is amazing. But some people reject you because your godly parent" She growled and I frown

"That's stupid" I said and she glances at me gratefully

"Artemis has realize even though Hunters are suppose to be forever that some people can't, so she has authorized a new rule. If we serve a 100 years and want to quit. We can, but if we fall in love and kiss someone before that we are released and she takes away our immortality" She explained and my eyes widen

"So are you gonna quit?" I ask and she puts the map down sigh

"I am not sure, what year is it?" She asks

I have to think for a sec since im not from this time frame but I remember "2011" I say and she thinks for a second

"I have been in the hunt since 1961, 50 years, I have 50 more to decide. Back then even though she prefers people the age of 13 or under because most haven't fell for romance around that age, as long as your still a virgin you can join. I was 17 when I joined the hunt I was the eldest member until Thalia, she was technically 19 looked 16" Hailey spoke about this with sorrow and I really wanted to hug her

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