Chapter 8: Cato

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It's official.

Clove wants Lover Boy on our team.

"It'll mess with her head! Once we get nearer to the end, if he's not dead yet, we can get rid of him!" She insists.

"Fine," I groan, brandishing my index finger at her. "But the instant he betrays us for her, I cut him. Got it?"

She smirks. "Just cut? Not murder?"

I roll my eyes. "That, too."

"Well, good, because Enobaria's already rung his mentor. And he wants to be part of the Careers."

I roll my eyes again.

A bell rings. Clove shoulders me with a grin.

"Come on, Cleaver. It's time for dinner."

Despite everything, my face breaks into a smile as I follow her down the stairs.


Dinner is even more amazing than usual.

The main course is a roast duck drizzled with buttery orange sauce and surrounded with crisp golden potatoes topped off with rosemary.

Fresh summer roles dolloped with sour cream and diced chives, sprinkled with oregano and basil leaves.

Delicate apple and cream cheese tarts decorated with pastry hearts, and mini vegetable samosas doused in olive oil.

Bottles of bubbly champaign in all different colours and scents, and pink frothy soups that make your insides tingle with pleasure.

With all this delicious food placed in front of me, I can't help but feel like a prisoner sentenced to death and granted an extravagant last meal.

Maybe because that's kind of exactly what I am.

Plate cleared, Clove leans back with a satisfied sigh, and I do the same.

Brutus scrapes the last morsel of his plate, finishes chewing, and says-

"Well, the games are tomorrow. I think you'll have sponsors lined up around the block. Who are your allies again?"

"Glimmer, Marvel, Marina." I recite. Clove shoots me a sideways glance, and I add with a sigh, "and Lover Boy."

Estrella coughs in surprise. "Mellark is in the Careers this year?"

We all nod- even the stylists, so I have zero idea how Estrella hasn't heard yet. Usually she's the one with all the gossip.

"And the District Four boy isn't?" Estrella asks, seeking conformation.

Clove wrinkles her nose. "Of course not. He won't make it past the first day."

Wow. Blunt much, but I have to agree.

Dinner finishes up, and the Avoxes enter to clear out the plates. 

We push our chairs back, and the adults go to the lounge to talk about strategies.

"Kids, to bed." Moira instructs.

"Um, you know I'm technically an adult," I say slowly. She waves me off.

"Bed," she repeats.

We obiediently spin around and head up the stairs.

Clove grins at me, but I can see unease  dancing in her eyes.

"Night," she says.

I nod back. "Goodnight."

We head in or different directions.

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