Chapter 5: Cato

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My prep team preen me, poke me, and prod me until my skin is rubbed raw, the familiar callouses on my palms have been scrubbed away, and every tip of hair is spiked perfectly in place.

They spent even longer on my hair than I usually do.

Charmayanne, Calliope, and Nefelli all drop back, excitedly instructing me to turn to the mirror.

I do, and search for any sign of myself in this bare - skinned, flawless creature.

I search in vain.

Charmayanne lets out a squeal as she consults her wristwatch.

"Oh Cato- you'll be meeting Moira soon!"

I give them a blank look.

Nefelli's brow furrows. "Your stylist..?" He prompts.

"Oh." I say bluntly. They giggle.

"We should be going, Cato," Charmayanne laughs. "See you on interview night!" She claps her hands.

I give them an awkward little wave and they disperse.

I stand there, naked and stiff, for a few minutes before a red-haired, pink-skinned lady that must be Moira enters the room.

"Hi, Cato. I'm Moira, your stylist," she says gently, extending her hand for me to shake. I hesitate, crossing my legs, trying to cover up as much of my exposed body as possible, but shake her hand.

She laughs. "Oh, forgive me! That must have been so awkward!" She throws open a closet door and retrieves a fluffy grey robe, handing it to me. I take it gratefully and slip it on.

"District Two," she thinks aloud. "Masonry. Cato, I'm going to put you in something gold."

I nod along to her chatter as I am handed shining golden armour and a see-through gold scarf that is tied around my waist and trails outwards behind me. I am adorned with a matching headpiece and gold eye-liner. A blunt sword hangs over my back in a sheath and I hold a large round shield with the words 'District Two' emblazoned on the front.

I am a knight in shining armour.

I am a gladiator.

I shudder. Gladiators, tossed into an arena and forced to fight a bloody, gruesome battle to the death.

Sounds familiar.


Brutus and Enobaria help us up into the chariot, wishing us luck.

Clove looks breathtakingly beautiful. Her outfit is identical to mine in every way except for the sparkling gold lipstick she wears. Her chestnut hair is out of its usual bobbled ponytail and is flowing out behind her like a thick, dark, chocolate river. Looking at her, there seems to be no possible way any sponsor could turn her down.

I can see her looking around, scouring the tributes for possible competition. Her eyes fix on the tributes of District Twelve-  Katniss Everdeen and... Peeta something?

I frown. They're wearing black shiny bodysuits with capes. They aren't ugly, I suppose, but I don't see what it has to do with coal mining.

Clove's pupils dilate in... Anger? Fear? She can't seem to tear her eyes away from Katniss. I open my mouth to ask her why, but think better of it.

Suddenly the chariot jolts. I stumble slightly and and Clove gasps a little in surprise. We adjust quickly, patting down our hair and throwing out our trains. Clove gives me a small smile, and then we're trundling through the gates and out to the screaming masses.

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