Second thoughts

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hello there lovely's sorry for the late update

wattpad was being a pain in my ass and also i had to get my needle for my second vaccation at 9:45am and i am tired as hell 

anyways here will be another chapter for you guys



meanwhile with Ash:

"Off, off with your head" Ash sang loudly as the crowd went wild, jumping up and down, "Dance, dance till you're dead" Ash sang as she continued to play the guitar

"Heads will roll

CROWD - "Heads will roll"

"Head will roll" Ash sang as she pointed to the crowd as they all repeated the lines, "Head will roll, on the floor" Ash sang more into the microphone making the crowd go wilder

"Off, off, off with your head, Dance, dance, dance till you're dead, dead" she sang more and the 5 red haired girl dance crazy and sang along with ash

"Off, off, off with your head"

"Dance, dance, dance till you're dead!" as she finished singing she played one last tune on her guitar as she posed, the crowd cheered louder than before

"Thank you so much, Good night" Ash said, as she began to run off stage to the back, she gave her guitar to the lady and grabbed the soda from her and started to drink from how much she sang

"Moon, Hey!" Ash said as she spotted Moon and ran up to him giving him a big hug, "Wow, You were great out there" Moon chuckled, hugging ash back

"I got to go back out for an encore" Ash said, jumping up and down, "Okay, Hey but what are you doing after the show?" Moon asked, "Uh, nothing" Ash replied

"Well, listen, I know this is crazy short notice, but you always said you'd come back to work with us when time is right" Moon said, "Of course" Ash smiled

"Well, this is that time" Moon said, Moon then grunted as someone purposely bumped into him giving ash her paycheck

"Here, paycheck" Rick said, handing Ash her paycheck, Ash grabbed the paycheck and looked at it making her frown

"I'm getting the gang back together to go for this huge show.." Moon couldn't finished until Ash interrupted him, "Just-just a second" Ash said

"Hey Rick, how come you're only paying me half what the other acts get?" Ash asked, "I pay what you're worth, sweetheart" Rick said as he looked over to the nice lady

"Oh okay. See I have this rule about not letting guys like you tell me what I'm worth, So, you know, unless I get paid like everyone else, I'm out of here" Ash said

Rick chuckled, "This is the only club in town. Where else you gonna play?" Rick asked, "I have no idea, But I'm sure as heck not sticking around here" Ash said, pulling out the straw and tapping on the can

"Let's go" She said, Moon giggled as he followed Ash, "Ooh!" 

"Whoa-whoa. Wait a minute. You-you got to do the encore. Hey Ash!" Rick stuttered, But Ash didn't listen, she grabbed her Guitar case, and started to head out, "Deal with it sweetheart" she said, playfully winking at Rick as she left



Redshore City Bus five leaving from park 15...

"Okay I got the tickets." Moon said, "Anyone seen Miss Crawly?" Moon asked as he started to hand out the tickets

"Here you go Johnny here's yours" Moon handed the ticket to Johnny, but Johnny didn't take it, "Mr. Moon" Johnny started catching everyone's attention, "Uh, uh I'm sorry, but I'm really having second thoughts about this" Johnny said

"What?.. No, no, no, wait" Moon said, "All right, last call, Let's go" the bus driver said, "Now, Just a second" Moon said, Moon was then about the say something until Meena's voice interrupted him

"Johnny's right, I mean that theater scout, she didn't think we were good enough" Meena said, "She sounds like a jerk" Ash said crossing her arms, "Yeah total jerk" copying Ash as he dug his hands into his pockets

"Yeah but she's wrong... Dead wrong.. There's a reason our show is sold out every night, and I'm telling you, her boss is gonna love it" Moon said, Suddenly Gunter got an Idea

"Ooh. Maybe we could just, like, do a different show, you know?" Gunter said as he started to dance, "Gunter, please, I got this" Moon said, fixing the strap of his bag

"Seriously, I have this Idea for, like, a space musical" Gunter said, The bus started to honk, "All right, we're rolling out here." The bus driver said, closing the door

"You don't want to hear about the space musical?" Gunter asked

Moon then gasped, "Guys! come on!" Moon said, starting to run after the bus, "Wait!", Moon then turned around to face the others until there were a squeal

The sound made everyone look, Everyone was surprised it was Rosita in front of the bus stopping it by going, "Listen you guys!, I have dreamt of preforming in Redshore City since I was a little kid." she said, "And besides, I just convinced my husband to babysit for the next 24 hours, and I am not gonna waste an opportunity like that." she said

"So come on, We've got nothing to lose" she said, throwing her bag into the bus and started to head inside the bus, That made Moon happy as everyone started to walk to the bus and go inside


"Here Ash, you come in on page two" Moons said, handing Ash a rehearsal booklet, "Wait, We're just gonna rehearse this here" Ash said, confused "Yes we are" Moon said until Johnny came from behind Ash

"Course we are" Johnny chuckled as he taped a chair, then walking to the back of the bus to set his bag down, same for Ash

"Yep, We got to get this show in the best shape ever" Moon said, turning around, spotting Miss Crawly holding a box

"Ah Miss Crawly you made it. Good, You are an angel, and you're sure gonna need that.. Whoa!" Moon yelled as Miss Crawly peak her head out from the box and plopping the box on the seat next to her "What the" Moon said, looking confused "Uh well.. you did say "Dress to impress" Miss Crawly said, smiling nervously


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