Alice wonderland

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sorry if it blurry this is the video i could find


It was dark and hollow, birds calling in the distance.. there was crunching noises made by the leaves and bushes that was covering the way, a tint of light became more brighter...

Meena was running quickly though the bushes, panting, looking behind her hearing a animal shriek, she kept running and running until her pink bag got caught in a tree branch, Meena groaned 

"Ah!" she screamed, tripping over a root of a tree and face planting her face into the dirt, losing the grip of her flashlight, "augh" she huffed, reaching out for the flashlight that was laying on the dirty ground in front of her

"Ahhh!" she screamed, as a big hole crumbled underneath her making her fall into the dark hole...

"ow.." she grunted, looking around not knowing where she is, her eyes caught many fireflies flying around her, "Oh" she mumbled, then she heard some creaking on her right side, looking down she spotted a tint of light

"Oh, my gosh" she breathed, it was a tiny door, Meena looked confused until she started to crouched down looking though the tiny door, seeing bright colors, Meena gasps being mind-taken, then the door started to grow bigger and bigger until Meena could fit though

A drum beat started to play, Meena then started to get up, suddenly three white hair lady's started to play clock like Guitars to the beat 

Meena then started to follow them, the three lady's started to run backwards into a bunch of flowers, the flowers started to swag left to right, "Let's Go crazy, whoo!" "Let's Go crazy.."

"Let's Go crazy, let's go crazy

"if you don't like" Rosita appeared, "The world you're living in" she sang, then she started to dance swaging her hips to the beat, Meena than started to look at Rosita in amazement

"Take a look around, At least you got friends" she sang, while the three lady's still playing the Guitars to the beat, Meena then looked to her right seeing Johnny appear playing the piano, "You see, I called my old lady" he sang while playing the piano

"For a friendly word" returning his sight to the piano playing some notes on the piano, "She picked up the phone, dropped it on the floor" " "Ah-ah" is all i heard" as three vegetables appeared on top of the piano

"Are we gonna let the elevator bring us down" he sang as Rosita joined in, walking up to him, landing on a mushroom, "oh, no, Let's go!" everyone sang

"Let's go crazy" everyone sang as Rosita jumped off of the mushroom walking over to Meena, "Let's get nuts" Rosita then grabbed Meena's hand pulling her over, "Let's look for the purple banana, Till they put us in the truck

"Let's go!" Everyone sang including Meena

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah" Meena sang

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" "Yeah, Yeah"

-"We're all excited" Meena sang

-"We're all excited" 

"Don't know why", "Don't know why"

"Maybe it's cause" Meena sang, running over to Rosita, "We're all gonna die" Meena sang, everyone in the audience gasped seeing everyone dressed as glowing skeletons

"When we do" Meena started to walk over to the three white haired lady's that was sitting on a tree branch still playing the Guitars

"What's it all for?" Meena sang, "What's it all for?" the lady's sang

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