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"Jordan, go!" Sam yelled behind me. I continued to run even though I was exhausted.

Sam, Colby, and I went exploring for their channel. It's been a couple days since the party and I'm just now getting over the hangover.

They asked if I wanted to come film with them, and since I just got off work, I agreed.

My friends were busy anyway. Evan and Wesley were at work while Serena went to Los Vegas for the day to visit her grandma.

We were getting chased out of a building by a homeless man. We get to Colby's Corolla and get inside.

I get in the back while the two boys were sitting up front. Sam had the camera in his hand.

"I thought you said no one lived there?" Sam asked whole holding the camera.

I could see the red flashing as Colby started driving. We were all out of breath.

"No one was when I went there." They started laughing. I took them to a building I went to a few months ago.

"Well, when did you go there last?" Sam asked turning back to me. "A few months ago." I admit.

They started laughing as Sam turned to do their outro. When Sam turned the camera off, I could see them relax.

"So, you guys do this every week? You go do bandos and then post it?" I could see their faces turn red.

But it was embarrassment. "I'm not hating or anything. I think it's badass." I say with all honestly.

"How come you don't do it?" Colby looked at me from the rearview mirror. I grimace while thinking about it.

I grab my Juul and press it to my lips. "I honestly don't know." I admit to them.

"Before I met you guys, I didn't know anyone on youtube did this kind of stuff." They listen to every word I say.

Sam turned to me with a big smile on his face. "You're welcome to come with us anytime you want." Sam smiled.

I made sure to thank them. It was nice hanging around people with the same interests as me.

Don't get me wrong, I love Serena, Evan, and Wesley. It's just nice not having to drag people to come with me.

"How long have you two been doing this stuff?" I question. They explain how they started in high school.

While Colby drives, they tell me some of their most wild moments. It's crazy how I never knew them on Vine when I loved the app.

I did start watching their videos and there was one question I was dying to ask about Queen Mary.

But I wanted to wait until I was closer to them. You can tell how close they are. I hope it's that noticeable for me and Serena.

We get to their house and get out of the car. Colby looks over at me. "Did you want to hang out for a while?" He asked.

I nodded my head agreeing. I go inside with them and we go into his room. It was my first time in his room.

He had a bed in the corner with a couch in front of it. I look at his wall strangely as I turn to him, lightly laughing.

"You wanna explain this to me?" I ask pointing towards his wall of post it notes.

He laughs as he sticks his hands in his pockets. "Last year we had a prank war and they covered my room in post its." He explained.

I haven't seen that video yet. I just nod my head while looking "And you kept them on because?" I ask curious.

He looked like he was going to answer but then looked defeated. "I have no idea." He laughed.

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