Her Again

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After a couple months Chester had acted like nothing happened. Why? Because he didn't want what happened to happen so he pretends it wasn't real. It was a nightmare and he couldn't quite figure out why it was so realistic. Parker on the other hand couldn't forget and didn't want to. If course he didn't bring up the subject as it would be insensitive to bring up trauma. Parker became a lot more protective and it was even noticeable during videos. Fans were constantly questioning what happened but with no reply. Recently they visited two sisters and the demonic one was named Gale. They both went missing which confused the males and when they reached out no one answered.
But little did they know Gale wasn't missing.
She knew everything.
And she was out there.
Out to kill.
We are about to find out.

"Hey have you see my phone love?" The raven haired man asked while looking under the couch.
"No, sorry dear I can help you look though" the other male replies shaking his head.
He then proceeds to get up and help look for the phone.
"Where could it be! Ugh!" Parker shouts starting to get annoyed to which the shorter boy replies by hugging him from the back.
The hug gets suddenly interrupted with a knock on the door.
"Ill get it you try find your phone." The blond says uttering a laugh.
Chester breaks the embrace and heads to the door cracking it open to see whose there his mind hoping its not burns.
To his relief yet discomfort there was no one at the door.
He opens it to its full capacity looking to the left to see if someone is there.
Then as he turns his head to the right it all goes dark.
The boy starts yelling "PARKER THIS ISNT FUNNY!!"
This was confusing and worrying to Parker why?
Because he was still looking for his phone...
Parker walks to the door shocked to see her.
Gale was holding Chester breath captive with a bag over his head as Chester now starts to shout worried at 'Parker'.
Parker swiftly breaks out of thought and without a moment or plan he begins to run.
<Run? Why am I running? I'm not even thinking about it. This could only turn out one of two ways..> He thinks to himself.
Without a moment of thought as Cheaters soul began to slip towards the grim reaper standing over him waiting patiently Parker punches the girl.
Gale doesn't react but does let go off Chester and his limp body falls to the ground.
Parker swiftly reacts and sits him further away from Gale lifting his guard seeing that Gale didn't plan on leaving.
"So you're all just talk you don't really love me"a raspy voice says with the sound of a cracking voice. It was Gale speaking.
Parker looked at her disgusted and says "I was just being nice I don't love you I love my partner you Psycho."
"Well you be made the wrong woman fall for you. You don't play with my feelings!" She screeches a screech so terrible the animals left their homes in distress.
Parker's eyes widen as he see's gale bolt towards him.
He began to run hitting into some walls as he can't steady himself. He heads for the kitchen to get the gun from the draw. He had it there because  he knows most videos end badly this is a last resort so he had to get there before her.
But Gale knew.
She knew it was there.
Gale is smart.
Now Parker will see that.
Parker gets to the kitchen and looked for the gun shoving everything out the way.
But it wasn't there.
Gale style there cracking her jaw looking at Parker.
Parker's eyes widen as he sees what she is holding.
A gun.
His gun.
Gale holds the gun up and clocks it back.
"I'm sorry" she says smiling and dropping her head sideways.
Went the shot and a sharp pain swiftly spreads through Parker's arm as it drops and he begins to loose hope.
The gun goes once more.
But parker felt no pain?
He opens his eyes and his pupils grow smaller.

♡sorry for the wait on this part busy with school! Hope you enjoyed I wonder what will happen next :D

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