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!!This chapter contains sensitive topics!! This chapter is also not based off the girlfriend video it happens in place of it.


3 days after asking burns if she'd like to come over. 11:30PM
*knock on door*
"I think that's her Chester" Parker says to his partner who looked uneasy at the thought if having to spend the night with a girl off the dark web.
Chester and Parker grab their cameras and head over to the door as the girl knocks louder and louder.
"Come on open the door dude she's going to be your...girlfriend" Parker said it hesitantly even though it was just for a video.
Chester unlocks the door to which the girl lets herself in.
She immediately started touching Chester making him uncomfortable and infuriating Parker who was recording.
"Come on I think that's enough" Parker says trying to stay calm only for the girl not to listen to him.
Parker began to get angry and pushed the girl off Chester.
This caused a type of death glare to form between Parker and Burns.
"Hey how about we all sit down! Haha..." Chester says nervously.
They all walk over and sit on the couch and notice that burns only answers to Chester.
This mad him uncomfortable but continued asking the questions parker had.
After some time the two males notice burns strange obsession on Chester and how she even pretended to be a dog for him. This made Chester uncomfortable but they continued for the video.
"I'm tired can you take me to your room to sleep?" Burns asked politely yet obsessively.
"Wait your staying the night don't you want to uh..go home?" Chester asked trying to be nice considering the situation.
Burns got angry at this but she didn't say anything and somehow found Chesters room.
Parker lowered the camera as Chester looked at him for comfort he didn't know where he would sleep as he thought it was to quick in the relationship to sleep in the same bed as Parker.
Parker sighed and turned off the camera and hugged Chester whispering "lets just wait to see what she does I will kick her out if she does anything ok?"he said knowing Chester didn't have enough confidence to shoo someone out their house.
They decided they would just talk in Parker's room until they heard anything strange.
Eventually they did.
Parker and Chester then both took out their cameras and started recording. Parker then said "ok so we've been hearing strange noises coming from Cheaters room so we are goin to check on what's happening."
So they did.
And what they saw was shocking.
"What the hell are you doing!" Parker yells seeing that the wallpaper had been torn off the walls and the room was just generally a mess. She'd even wrote on the wall 'Chester is mine'.
The girl just stared at parker and then left the room heading over to the guest room and closed the door heading back to sleep.
"I can't believe her! I'm going to tell her to leave right now!" Parker yells but Chester just shakes his head and tells him to let her rest it was to late in the morning to be yelling at her to leave.
Chester walked over and takes the torn wallpaper off his bed and says "my bed is still in one piece"
They turn their cameras off and kiss one another good night.


In the morning Parker immediately started recording and all over the house to find Burns but he was shocked to see that the front door was unlocked. He reluctantly shut it and went to check different devices for clues on what she may have done while they slept.
What he found next traumatised him and was hesitant on showing it to Chester..

He woke Chester telling him to put his sunglasses on as he had something to show the smaller boy.
(This next bit contains mentions of r!pe if you feel uncomfortable you can now click off :D)

>Camera is on during this btw<
Chester is confused as to why his best friend and lover has his phone and asks what he wanted to show him.
Parker begins to play the disturbing footage...
<I won't describe what happened as it isn't something I want to describe>
Chester stares at the screen terrified holding back tears as starts to turn away from the phone.
Chester begins to tremble and sneakily says "so before leaving...she..did...that...I'm going to go upstairs could you lock the doors and make the outro yourself?.."
Parker nods as Chester gets up and leaves the room head upstairs to his room.

-this chapter made me sad :D-

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