Wait a damn minute

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The class has settled down after that and Aizawa had finally stopped sniffling and they were now all ready for the next song all inpatient and only barley staying still on their seats. Izuku apparently had this way of pulling his audience in, his song were basically addictive to the point none of them (even Iida and Bakugo) didn't know if they would be able to go to bed before they had gone though all the song, which was virtually impossible in one night.

Sato-Hey can I pick the next on?

Aizawa-Go ahead

Sero-This is making me low key nervous 

Uraraka-Ok good so I'm not the only one

Jiro-Nope, not alone girl

Sato-Ok its called "tears of gold"

The suspense was building up slowly but surely as the CD started

Mama always told me that I was too naive
Gave away my trust for pennies
I said don't you worry
Didn't think that I'll be
Broken down and crying help me

Iida-Oh, thus is a sad song I presume

Sero-Yeah, I don't know who for though

Ojiro-I think I know but honestly its really obvious

Uraraka-Oooooh! Yep I got it

I said don't you worry
Didn't think that I'll be
Broken down and crying help me
Wrecked? Check
Heart? In debt
All you do is come around
Just came here to collect

The people who knew who the song was for glared daggers at Bakugo wile he traded at the CD player like it had personally offended him

Wrecked? Check
Heart? In debt
Don't you know that I cried tears of gold for you?
I sit here poor for you
Collect my pennies and my dimes
That's why you love it when I cry
Platinum love for you
I'd give no less for you
Generosity is my enemy
So I'm broke and your heart's rich
Because of me


Iida-What is it

Jiro- That note...was so high...yet flawless

Tsu-I'm not a music expert but that did sound amazing *ribbit*

Know that this is my fault
Gave a little too much
Knew that this was gonna happen
But I'm not gonna lie
You can make me cry thousand times
I come on in back like
What is going on with my head?Wrecked? Check
Heart? In debt
All you do is come around
Just came here to collect
Wrecked? Check
Heart? In debt
Don't you know that I cried tears of gold for you?
I sit here poor for you
Collect my pennies and my dimes
That's why you love it when I cry
Platinum love for you
I'd give no less for you
Generosity is my enemy
So I'm broke and your heart's rich
Because of me

Kirishima-How dose he do that!

Aoyama-Do what? Mon ami

Kirishima go so high without sounding like someone is strangling him!

Tokoyami-He has talent, simple

And the worst part is I'd do it all over again
No, the worst part is, I know it's never gonna end
I keep coming right back like a maniac
I keep coming right back like
And the worst part is I'd do it all over again
No, the worst part is, I know it's never gonna end
I keep coming right back like a maniac

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