Aizawa doesnt do fealings but then there's Midoriya

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The class stayed silence for a while slowly digesting the information they had just gotten. It was a solid tree minute before the whole class was done internally freaking out over the announcement. After those tree minutes Mina looked at all the girls with determination, non-verbally telling them that they would have a little gossip session later like they away did when something juicy came up in their lives ( in other words every other day, this is class 1A we're talking about).

Momo-Ok! So who wants to go next?

Sero-Can I go, I wanna see what other secrets he has in there?

Hagakure-Do you mean that you're going for the black box?

The whole class gasped, they had all been curious as to what was in that box but somehow it felt more wrong to intrude on that on for more or less obvious reasons. First of all this was the box that was the best hidden in the back and of course it was the one with the most personal songs. Sero just shrugged and most of the class did the same. How bad could it be Midoriya couldn't have dark secrets.

Todoroki-So what's it called?

Sero-Umm...i-it's called..." if I killed someone for you"

Jiro-Oh god it better be metaphorical 

Uraraka-I-it has to be...right?

Iida and Todoroki looked at each other with wide eyes only wishing that Jiro was right as Sero slid the CD out of it's box an into the player.

There was a short pause before the music started, long enough for Sero to look the CD over and see the date writen in sharpie on the back.

Ser-Hey guys? Th Cd is like hella old Its from over two years ago

Koda-Wow! r-really that long?


Bakugo-It's from middle school

Momo-Did you say something Bakugo?

before the blond could answer the music started

I'm sorry that I did this
The blood is on my hands
I stare at my reflection
I don't know who I am
Practice my confession
In case I take the stand
I'll say I learned my lesson
I'll be a better man

Aoyama-Oh no,it...doesn't feel metaphorical

Shoji-This is...concerning

Jiro-Concerning! This is starlight up scary 

Tsu-Shh! Lets just listen

I'm packing up my things
And I'm wiping down the walls
I'm rinsing off my clothes
And I'm walking through the halls
I did it all for him
So I felt nothing at all
I don't know what he'll say
So I'll ask him when he calls

Iida-It's dedicated to someone?

Tokoyami-Did you not hear the title? it's addressing someone

Iida-Oh yes, it had slipped my mind

Sero-I'm sorry but. THAT'S WHAT'S WORRYING YOU!

Momo-Shhhh! All of you!

Would you love me more
(Would you love me more)
If I killed someone for you?
Would you hold my hand?
(Would you hold my hand?)
They're the same ones that I used
When I killed someone for you
Would you turn me in
(Would you turn me in)
When they say I'm on the loose?
Would you hide me when
(Would you hide me when)
My face is on the news?
'Cause I killed someone for you

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