Chapter 6

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"Is this all you could find?" asked the Teiko basketball captain.

Momoi nodded her head grimly, "Since he's from America, I wasn't able to find out as much as I'd like to. But it is confirmed he plays basketball - though it's uncertain how skilled he is."

"Thank you," replied Akashi. Momoi smiled and left the Student Council room closing the door behind her.

Akashi's eyes scanned over the information the girl had managed to recover in hopes to get an idea of the subject's personality. 

But, given the fact that the boy barely had any interaction with anyone in school other than Kuroko and with his lack of past information, Akashi couldn't come to an appropriate conclusion.

"It appears there is no other choice but to meet this Kagami Taiga in person," 

His interest in the redhead was only deepened when he found out he was the person responsible for Kuroko's sudden improvement in shooting. Considering the incredibly low level of shooting skill the sixth member possessed, it was surprising to see someone their age be able to push him in the right direction.

There was no way someone with little basketball knowledge could understand Kuroko's skillset.

Kagami Taiga was worth putting effort into.

And that's how the said boy found himself a pair of visitors during lunch outside his classroom.

Now Kagami wasn't exactly averse to meeting new people however, the supposed 'new people' in this case just so happened to be two of the star basketball players of the school. And he recognized both as the captain and vice-captain of the club.

"Kagami Taiga, what a pleasure to finally meet you," Akashi greeted politely.

The taller teen raised an eyebrow questioningly but responded with a gruff yet polite tone, "Nice to meet you too...uh-"

"Akashi Seijuro. And this is Midorima Shintaro which I heard you've crossed paths with before," Akashi gestured.

The green-haired teen merely nodded and stayed silent. 

"Uh yeah, the lucky item guy at the vending machine," Kagami said thoughtfully. 

Midorima's eye twitched slightly at his words. But he wasn't wrong - after all, Midorima does carry lucky items.

"I hope you're not too busy. How about we eat lunch together? I'm sure my team wouldn't mind," the short red-haired boy offered with half-lidded eyes.

"Is there a reason you're suddenly asking me to eat with you? Because as far as I know, we've never met before," Kagami felt suspicious at this guy's invitation. He smelt...dangerous.

"It's nothing bad...just...we'd like to meet Tetsuya's friend," replied Akashi with upturned lips. If Kagami didn't know better, he'd definitely think this guy was smiling at him.

"Tetsuya, as in Kuroko Tetsuya?"

"Of course. I'm sure you've noticed his lack of presence and his quiet personality which aren't exactly qualities of a social butterfly. We were simply curious to know the new friend he made outside of the club," Akashi replied smoothly.

Midorima eyed his captain briefly and thought 'Only you, Kise, and Momoi are curious about him'.

Kagami narrowed his eyes and asked, "Will Kuroko be there?"

Akashi's eyes widened shortly but returned to normal in a second. He gave a polite grin and said, "He will be."

"Alright then. Lead the way," Kagami knew there was more to this than simple curiosity and part of him was interested to know what the feared captain and leader of the generation of miracles wanted from him.

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