Chapter 5

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"Alright let's get this started. Show me what you've got," Kagami stuck his hands in his pockets and waited for Kuroko to shoot.

Kuroko nodded and took the textbook shooting stance. He aimed and shot the ball towards the hoop only for it to completely miss. He looked at Kagami with a blank face.

"Try again,"

"It's not going to change Kagami-kun," Kuroko replied. But the taller boy wasn't convinced and insisted he tried again.

The results never changed.

"Wow. You really do suck at shooting," Kagami muttered bluntly. Kuroko gave him a deadpan look.

"Alright, let me think," Kagami said examining the boy. He knew there must be some way for Kuroko to be able to shoot but what way would that be? 

The standard shooting stance is obviously not going to work for him as it does for other people so maybe...Ah!

Kagami's eyes lit up as he looked at Kuroko.

"Say Kuroko, when you use your passing technique, you mainly use your palms correct?"

The shorter boy nodded.

"Since you're used to using your palms, why not try shooting with them?" Kagami asked.

Kuroko's eyes widened in surprise at the idea. "Use my palms?"

"Yeah. If you think about it, the normal way of playing basketball didn't work for you so you created your own style. Why not do the same for shooting?"

Kuroko looked down at his hands. 'Why didn't I think of that?'

"It's just what I think. You're the one who has to figure it out," Kagami scratched his nose.

"I understand what you're saying. Thank you," Kuroko said. "Though, I was sort of hoping I'd get to see you play."

Kagami raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Don't tell me that's why you asked me to teach you specifically."


"Tsk, fine. But—" Kagami cut Kuroko off before he could say something, "Your friends need to leave."

"What?" Kuroko looked at him confused before the red-head gestured to outside the court where Kuroko spotted two familiar faces. "Kise-kun? Momoi-san?"

"Oh, looks like we've been caught Momoicchi," Kise said.

"Aww, man. How long did you know we were there?" Momoi asked making her way into the court. "By the way, it's nice to meet you Kagami-kun."

"Momoi-san's our manager," Kuroko explained to Kagami who nodded.

"It's not nice to eavesdrop," said the redhead.

"Sorry, we were simply too curious at Tetsu's new friend. We didn't think he'd make any outside the basketball club." Momoi felt sheepish.

"So you're Kagami-kun, nice to meet you. I'm Kise Ryouta," The blonde next to Momoi greeted with a wave. He was a cheerful guy and the type to easily annoy the likes of Kagami. Out of politeness, Kagami gave him a curt nod and said, "Kagami Taiga."

"Ne Kagami-kun, how about a one-on-one?" Kise smirked.

Kuroko and Momoi frowned as the latter said, "Don't be impulsive Kise-kun. You know Akashi-kun will get angry for playing outside,"

"It's just one game and he won't know if you don't tell him." Kise shrugged.

"No thanks," Kagami interrupted with a deadpan look. "I'm not interested in playing you."

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