Chapter 3: Preppy Preps and Pony Tails

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After asking our parents, Jayla and I went to this diner called BasketBurger. We walked in the replica of a 50's diner and ordered two strawberry sundaes and two oreo sundaes. We sat down in a booth and began to talk.

"So, what's your name? Relly is it?" Ashley asked.

I laughed. "That is something l my little sister calls me. I'm Riley and this is my sister, Jayla."

"That's cool. Where'd you move."

"A couple of blocks down. It's not that far."

"Really? I live a couple of blocks from here." She paused.

"You must have moved into the Jefferson's old house."

"I suppose so." I responded.

"So, does that mean you'll be going to Jefferson High?"

"Jefferson High?"

"The high school down the street."

"This town sure is small."

"Sure is. But hey, we should hang out sometime."

Just as Ashley had finished talking, three girls walked in. They all had long hair tied up into ponytails by pink ribbons.

"Leah!" One squealed. Two other girls followed. Not in a "teenage high school movie" followed, just a "we are equal in this friendship" kind of follow.

"Tan!" Ashley said back.

The girls talked for a few minutes and I started feeling a little awkward.

"Riley, this is Brittney, Kyla, and Yvette."

"Nice to meet you." I said. I still didn't know how to react to people here. They'd already known each other, I was just getting acquainted.

"Oh of course. It's nice to meet you too." Brittney said. Kyla and Yvette nodded. They didn't seem to know how to respond. I didn't expect then to.

In the time that passed, Ashley and I began to hang out more, bringing Jayla and Amber along occasionally.

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