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No POV: directly after last chapter.

The room was completely silent for a moment before Hinata began to hyperventilate, leant over on his knees. He started to choke and splutter, face completely white. At this point, people were calling out, yelling for the coaches to help.

Ukai ran over. "Hinata!?" He said, putting all of his effort into staying calm. Hinatas breathing paused for a moment, before he collapsed onto the cold court floor.

"Everyone get back!" Ukai yelled. The twelve high schoolers stepped off the court at full pace, leaving space for Hinata and Ukai. He leant over the boy , listening carefully, before panic spread across his face.

"Takeda call an ambulance! The kid isn't breathing!" He yelled. The room descended further into silent panic, and Takeda ran for the phone.

Timeskip, still no POV: Hinata has just left in an ambulance.

No one dared to speak, until Tanaka broke it. "What the hell just happened?"

"Well, he did look ill." Kuroo sighed. "I thought he'd be fine though."

The room descended into talk, worried and confused.

"Okay Everyone," Takeda called firmly, with tones of worry showing. "We've decided not to go ahead with the match, but Mr Nekowata and Nekoma are going to wait here for a while, until we hear news about Hinata."
Ukai had gone into the Ambulance with the unconscious Hinata, so now Takeda was in charge, along with Coach Nekowata.

The room nodded in agreement. They were too worried about Hinata to think about their disappointment at missing the match.

Kiyoko and Yachi walked back in, with trays full of steaming hot coffee and cups from the staff room. Some of the players were on benches, or the ground, where as others were still stood up.

"What the hell did you think happened?" Yaku said.

"I don't know. He'd been looking quite ill for a while." Suga said. His face was saturated with worry, eyebrows almost knitted together.

Yaku pulled out his phone. "Let me google this, give me keywords."

Kageyama walked over. "Um, he was drinking a lot of water and losing a lot of weight."

"Okay, thirst and unintentional weightloss."

"Fatigue" Sugawara added. "Hunger also."

"Okay, I'll add that plus hyperventilation and collapsing."

The search bar now read "Excessive thirst unintended weight loss fatigue hunger hyperventilation collapsing symptoms."

"You're not going to find anything for that."

He clicked enter. There was nothing helpful. He sighed.

No POV: with Ms Hinata.

Legs crossed at the ankle, Mrs Hinata sat at her office desk. She typed quickly, the rhythmic clicking of keys filling the silence. There was a sudden ring on her mobile. She was surprised. It said the number belonged to an unknown number, but the location was her sons school. He couldn't of gotten into any trouble, she was sure he had a match on. Nonetheless she picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" She questioned, confused.

"Hello Mrs. Hinata? It's coach Ukai. I'm in charge of your sons team." She heard through the phone. She didn't recognize the voice. As to why it was calling, she didn't know.

"Hello? Is Shoyo alright? How did you get my number?"

"Emergency contact number, sorry."

"Oh, alright. Why are you phoning me?"

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