A fresh new start.

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,,Vi, I think I heard something ", I tell my best friend quietly, concentrating on my surroundings in case she comes out of nowhere again. Vi has been trying to talk to her sister for a long time now, each attempt ending with a mental breakdown and some sort of fight.

After I helped Vi leave Piltover and return to Zaun, people started talking, getting into her sister's head. Saying that she had replaced her with me, that I'm probably a better "sister" or a better person to be around of in general.

I have heard countless stories about her and the people she has killed or fooled, or the ones she used to live with. The ones she lost but Vi did as well. And even though she has taken that pain and turned it into anger, turned it into revenge, Vi believes that her little sister "Powder" is still in there, underneath this persona she has come up with in order to disguise all the mourning and her vulnerable self.

The two met up a few days ago after they hadn't seen each other in a few weeks and without exception, once again they ended up fighting. Over me.

Jinx wants Vi to drop me because from what I assume she doesn't want her to love anyone else the way she loves her and I get it, but she needs to understand that it's not a big deal and that I'm not here to start a fight or compete with her, but rather to introduce to her
the idea of both of us being around Vi and maybe even peacefully coexisting. This idea will not sit well with her though, she wants me gone, dead. At least I have Vi by my side who sometimes manages to calm her down in case she tries to do something.

,,Yeah just stay by my side, you're okay", Vi tells me and gets slightly in front of me. My heart jumps at her gesture, I can't help but like her more every day.

From the day I met her I couldn't help but start developing a crush on her which seems to only get harder to keep secret. Everything from the way she talks to the way she looks at me, I just want to be with her. But her stubborn sister might prove to be the reason I'll never get to have her in that way and if that's the case, she'll gain another enemy, which in her eyes she already has.

,,Well look who it is, my beloved sister and uuuh..trash?", jinxs' familiar voice echoes through the room as she gets closer to us. I roll my eyes at her remark, but being called 'trash' by her is by far one of the least bad things I've been called by her since we met.

"Watch it Powder, we're not here to argue, we're here so you can make up", Vi explains to her but Jinx is not making any noise, just standing there, giving me a dirty look. I uncomfortably stand there as I don't know how to articulate myself at a time like this in such convincing way, that it will make a person like Jinx stop hating me.

,,Yeah uh, I know it's a big deal to you that your sister likes me and all-", before I get to finish my sentence she cuts me off.

,,Likes you? Let me just-" she laughs for a moment and I turn to look at Vi who is shaking her head up and down in a calming way, letting me know that this is something her sister does a lot and that I shouldn't feel hurt or offended by it.

,,Powder cut the bullshit, just apologize to her", I'm taken ack by the order she just made as I wasn't aware we were here for this reason. We both know apologies aren't up Jinx's valley. Jinx is just as surprised, looking at her sister with emptiness behind her eyes.

,,Apologize? For what exactly? Her stealing my position?"

,,What position are you talking about? How many times more Powder, (Y/N) never replaced you and she never will. YOU are my sister and I want you both in my life so please do this for me"

Even though for a tiny split second I'm convinced that she's going to apologize, her gaze once again changes from pitiful or even sad to ironic.

,,oh I see how it is, you like her more than me right?

,,How did you just jump to that conclusion out of nowhere" Vi ask. Probably from all the brainwash she has received down here.

,,What can she do better than me? I listen to you, I can fight with you or go for drinks or go to parties, can't you see? You don't need her", Jinx tries to persuade Vi and I'm scared that she might give in because they are sister after all, but a hand on the lower of my back convinces me of the opposite.

,,Powder,(Y/N) is more than that", she pauses for a second and both Jinx and I are standing there, waiting in anticipation for what she's gonna say next. ,,I actually, like her"

,,YES WE GET IT. You. Like. Her. Congrats.", before she can go on Vi interrupts her.

,,not just as a  friend you idiot", she finally admits and my heart skips a beat. She just confessed that she likes me?

,,w-what" is all I can stupidly mutter because this feeling is so overwhelming, the realization that the person you like also likes you back. I feel like I swallowed the sun because of how warm I feel inside.

,,I'm sorry that you had to find out like this but you mean so much to me, both of you guys do and it's not the same kind of liking but I can't survive if the both of you aren't around so please just forget everything they told you about her and try a fresh new start?", Vi turns her attention from me to Jinx mid sentence and even though I'm still in too much shock to fully react to the situation, I turn to look at Jinx and wait for a response.

She looks at me, lost, then at Vi again as if she can't quite choose her next words yet. With frowned eyebrows she stares at the ground.

"A fresh new start", she whispers and then makes her way towards us with an unsure smile on her face.

A fresh new start it is.


Salut:) sorry that it took me ages to write this but I had like 0 inspiration and I also got covid so it wasn't a great time. I hope you guys are doing great and Happy (belated?) New Year. I love youuu 💜 take care


P.s. u guys really seemed to like the smut chapter so lmk if u want more

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