Not today.

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This story takes place in an abandoned parking lot in Zaun.

"It's that psycho again", I sigh at the sight of the blue haired girl who once again is in our way of carrying out our mission.

I take out my gun and reload it, sweat dripping down my face, exhausted from all of the fighting that just took place. Yet again judging by the grin on her face, this is far from over.

"I'm gonna deal with her, you destroy the shimmer", Ekko says and I nod my head, running towards the barrels filled with bright pink liquid. Before I can fully approach them, a black haired girl with green eyes gets in the way and smiles at me.

"Not so fast little one, you'll have to get through me first", she says in her raspy voice and cracks her knuckles in an attempt to scare me, I simply return the smile.

Before another word gets spoken I throw my fist out to punch her but she avoids my hit by moving to the side and tries to hit me instead.

To her surprise, I also avoid the hit and while she's too busy wondering how I managed to do that, I take the opportunity to knee her in the stomach, knocking the air out of her. As she falls to the ground she brings her knife out of her pocket and I quickly kick it away, then forcefully push her back and she ends up hitting her head against one of the barrels, then falls unconscious.

I take out the explosives from the bag that was handed to me by Ekko earlier and with a match light two of them, then throw them into two barrels and run away from the place, even carrying that black haired woman with me as I do so.

In a few seconds the barrels explode, immediately destroying all of the other barrels with shimmer next to them too.

,,Oh no", Jinx says a few seconds after the explosion sounding hysterical and..scary? I turn around to take a good look at her, her eyes are already on me and I subconsciously take a step back, intimidated by her. ,,dad is gonna be very disappointed because of you". She points a finger in my direction and my heart starts beating even faster, cold sweat forming on my forehead.

I look around to figure out where Ekko is but don't waste much time on that and rather continue to stare at Jinx, who is very obviously mad at me, trying to not lose her from my sight. She slowly starts taking steps towards me and with every step she takes forward I take one back, my index finger already positioned on the trigger of my gun which I'm sneakily holding on my right hand.

"You're gonna regret that.", she says and in the blink of an eye aims her gun at me and shoots in my direction. To my luck I dodge the bullet just in time, then momentarily hide behind a car nearby, before shooting at her. After exchanging multiple bullets and thankfully not getting shot by any of hers, I reload my gun for what seems like the 100th time today.

My goal right now is not specifically to hurt her, as this could cause a lot of chaos and even result in war here in Zaun, but rather to destroy her hideous fish looking gun that she so proudly always carries on her.

By doing that not only will I win some time to catch my breath and think of a strategy that will help me win against her, but she'll also be somewhat defenseless without it, which will guarantee my success further. I concentrate again on the target that is her gun and shoot, this time successfully hitting it. Jinx stops walking and looks at it momentarily, then laughs and looks at my direction.

,,So this is how you wanna play? Alrighty then, come out", she yells in at me and proceeds to place her gun on the ground, kicking it away.

With 1000 thoughts running through my head, I stupidly place my own gun on the ground and come out of my hiding spot, hands semi-raised.

,,Am I supposed to handcuff you now?", she asks and slightly tilts her head to the side, raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes and continue to awkwardly stand there. I can feel the adrenaline shooting through my body as I'm almost trembling with fear, definitely terrified of the idea that i'm about to fight her.

The fact that I'm not aware where Ekko is or what she has done to him makes me even more scared.

The room remains silent for a few moments and instead of being the coward this time, I am the one who starts walking toward their opponent.

I try to hide my fear as much as I can but there must be a hint of terror noticeable from me - that either being from my body language or facial expressions - because she lets out a chuckle and crosses her arms as she watches me close the distance between us, pretty much making fun of me, degrading me.

Like the woman before, Jinx cracks her knuckles and smiles at me, I approach her regretfully. Blue piercing eyes staring into mine, I find it almost impossible to even swallow my own spit as if the act would make too much noise and she'd get even angrier.

,,You're slow", is all I hear before being punched by her. I dizzily take a few steps back, my knees feeling weak for a second as the pain from my jaw -which she just hit- starts expanding throughout my entire face, almost instantly giving me a migraine.

I shake my head as if to shake the pain off and place my fists up in the air, slightly in front of my face in an effort to defend myself from any of her future punches.

As quick as a thunder becomes visible in the sky and disappears again, without having to exchange any other words, everything is said by a handful of punches, kicks and hits.

I, too, hit her a couple of times, even almost assuming that I'd win this fight but that hope turns into dust as she easily recovers from all of my attacks.

I, on the other side, will be lucky if I make it out of here in one piece. Blood dripping down my nose and exhausted from the physical action, I can already tell that I'll wake up with countless bruises all over my body, that is if I wake up.

Another hit on the jaw sends me over the edge and I fall on the cold concrete ground, surrendering to the pain. I move my head on the side and cough, blood exiting my mouth as I do so. Not because of any internal bleeding, but rather because of all the punches I have received on my face.

I grunt as I try to move my head up and see what she is doing or where she is, my gun just mere meters away from me, still near the wheel of that car I hid behind of earlier.

I look at the roof of the building and slowly accept that this must've been my last fight ever and that my next breaths could be my last ones.

,,Now what should I do with you", she hovers over my head and my heart jumps a little, noticing a knife on her hand.

She gets on top me and I squirm from all the pain when she does so, she runs her finger down my jawline, then tags some hair behind my ear as she leans closer to it.

,,Any last words?", she whispers and the only way I can respond is by grunting.

She places the blade of the knife on my throat and I gasp as she does so, I close my eyes waiting for the end to happen, for the tunnel to appear.

,,Hmmm maybe not today", she takes the knife back and I gasp once again, confused and thankful that she chose to spare me today.

She gets off of me and I can hear her footsteps get quieter by the second, as she walks away. A wave of relief and pain washes over me and I close my eyes, my body shutting off as I lose consciousness.

"Y/N!", Ekko calling out my name is the last thing I hear before I fully pass out.


i feel like this is messy but honestly, I just wanted to imagine Jinx on top of me so yeah:)

sorry for grammar mistakes, ily💛


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