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What we are doesn't matter.
It's our actions that count.

Down the abyss, emerging from the pools of darkness, a man-like creature came into sight.

His body was a vile resemblance of a human. an obscene parody, yet his eyes where completely blackened. From the very edge of his eye to the center of his pupil, the all-seeing eyes held an all-consuming nothingness to it.

A halo rested above his head, making him seem like a fallen angel of some kind, who took his place by tainting souls with evil.

"I have an offer for you, Milord," the demon spoke. It wasn't as husky and sinister as he'd imagined it would be, instead it was hollow and dreamy like an echo.

The boy, who was standing in a long cape that covered most of his features, nodded. "You know I was longing for this conversation."

The devil went on. "Desperate times call for desperate measures, so you are free to act as desperately as you wish. I know your heart has been craving for something for a long time now. And I am willing to give it to you."

Harry's jaw clenched. This ought to be good.

"I give you the choice between death or endless pain and misery, maybe even regret that you didn't end it when you still could. Because you and I know both, that you will never find a cure to this." The dark creature smiled.

"Put it like that, I don't give you death, I give you the freedom to end your immortality whenever you want."

It does sound captivating, Harry will give him that. But as much as he seeks freedom, he wouldn't throw everything else he has away.

Taking a step towards the shadows and gloom, Harry tilted his chin up to meet the devils gaze. Up close their height difference was more conspicuous.

"Well if I weren't to give into your contract, per say, I'd have an abundant choice of grandiose, splendid life ahead of me," he pointed out.

"Would it really be life or would it just be not-dying in the end? Living can be a curse among people like you, Your Serenity." The devil asserted.

"I said if I weren't, there is a lot of room between-", Harry got cut off by the devil.

"But if you were, that is what this is all about. And if you were, you'd be completely free except following my few conditions for the rest of your life. Doesn't that sound better, the power to destroy your endless cycle before it destroys you?"

Harry was baffled by that. His whole life he'd been told that it was a gift, not a curse. Yet now when he looks at it, watching all his friends pass away doesn't seem so fun. At some point he needed mortality, or else he would turn insane. The cycle would never end.

His lips quirked downwards to a frown when he realized the devil was right.

"Tell me your conditions and I'll consider." Harry proposed.

Even without seeing most of the devils features, Harry could tell that he was pleased. His voice had a low rumble when he began to speak again.

"The conditions are simple.
1. You are obliged to change into a complete new life, in a new universe, every 25 years. Your body doesn't change its shape, but the world will take form of how you desire.
2. You are going to have no memories from your previous life, except when you sacrifice something."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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