Water War!

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Chapterrrr 3!!!!!! YaY!

We reached Lady Jasmines house a little bit after dark. I have never been here. Wow... It's giant! I can't believe this is going to be my home. At least now I will want to make it home after The Games. Hmm, I wonder what type of challenges will be there.

"So.. What do you think?" Lady Jasmine asked me, her eyes seemingly worried as if I would hate the house. I grinned widely.

"It's absolutely amazing!! Thank you so much, for everything!!" I said, hugging her again. She hugged me back tightly.
"Let me give you a tour, then I’ll show you your room!" Lady Jasmine said. I nodded and followed her into her house. Well, our house now... Another plus to living with Lady Jasmine is, MJ's house is just down the road! Maybe now her parents will allow me to have a sleepover with her! They never really liked me. No one really does. I'm the disgraceful orphan. People treat me like a disease that doesn't have a cure.

As soon as you walk into the house, there is the kitchen, living room and an entrance to the backyard. The living room has a fireplace, and a cozy looking couch with a throw blanket hanging off the back. On the small wooden table there was a few books scattered on it. To the right of the entrance, looked to be a little library with stairs leading up to the second floor. To the left of the entrance was two spare bedrooms, and a spare bathroom. Upstairs had a nice big area, with art supplies everywhere, there was also a grand piano in the corner by a window that overlooked the backyard. Going down the hallway on the left upstairs had a study for Lady Jasmine, her bedroom that has a walk-in closet, and her own bathroom.

Then there was my room. It's was giant! Just as big as Lady Jasmines! It had a giant bed with silk sheets! There was a bookshelf next to the bed, there was a desk with a mirror on it. My room had a bathroom as well, and my own walk-in closet!! My room had a few pieces of art hanging on the wall. It looked amazing.

"L-lady Jasmine... This is too much! I can just stay in one of the spare bedrooms downstairs!" I said, looking around the room, my eyes wide in awe. I’ve never lived or seen such luxury before. Sure, MJ was wealthy, but this… This was nothing like I had ever seen before.

"Nonsense, you’re my daughter now, you deserve the best of the best!" Lady Jasmine said. "And please, just call me Jasmine. We have known each other long enough." She said smiling at me. I hugged her for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!! This means the world to me La.. Jasmine." I whispered, correcting myself with the almost slip up. I felt like dancing and crying at the same time.
"Of course.. I think you should get some sleep; you still have to go to The Academy tomorrow!" Jasmine said, smiling at me.

"Ok, wait. What about my clothes?" I asked. What am I going to wear? I didn't grab anything from the Orphanage.
"You can borrow some of my clothing, we're around the same size. Tomorrow after the academy we can go get you more clothes!" She responded. My eyes widened, shopping? Cool!!

"Ok... Thank you once again. Goodnight! Sleep well!" I said tiredly. I hugged her again. She laughed.

"Goodnight, and you don't have to thank me. You deserve this, and so much more!" She responded. I smiled at her kind words. She pulled away and said goodnight once again. After she left, I noticed that she had already laid a nightgown down on the bed. A nightgown? I'll get shorts tomorrow. Changing into the nightgown, I laid down under the covers. Holy crap... This is comfortable. It's like a fluffy smooth cloud!! This is incredible!! I can't wait to tell MJ what has happened!! I grinned and fell asleep with those thoughts on my mind.

"We can't just leave her! What if they go after her!" A woman with fiery red hair said. She had a few white strands, probably from stress. Her eyes showed that she has been through hell. They were a stormy grey. She looked panicked, and worried.
"We have to Becca! It's the only way to keep her safe!" A man with dark brown hair responded. He looked young as well. He had crinkles around his eyes, showing that he loved to smile. He had some silver hair peppered in with his dark brown hair. His eyes were a dark green color.
"Nikolaus! You know what they will do to her if they find her!" The woman named Becca said. Tears were in her eyes.
"Becca, I know... We have to think of her though, she is safer in the Orphanage than with us! If they find her with us then she is surely in danger!" The man named Nikolaus responded.
They failed to see the little girl sleepily walk in dragging a small blue quilt with her.
"Momma, Pappa, what's g-going on?" The little girl asked tiredly. She had light grey eyes, with a light green ring around them. Her hair was a soft reddish brown.
"Nothing sweetheart. Why don't you go back to bed!" Becca said crouching down next to her.
"B-but Momma... There's a monster in my room!" The little girl whispered with wide eyes.
"What do you mean Kit?" Nikolaus asked, also crouching down in front of her.
"There’s a monster with golden eyes! He looks scary, h-he said to come get you!" The young girl whispered. Becca's eyes widened as a dark cackle sounded from the little girls room.
"Becca, take her and run! I'll hold him off! Go! Now!" Nikolaus yelled. He stood up.
"You can't face him alone Nik! You'll die!" Becca screamed.
"Get her to safety Becca! I'll be right behind you! Run!" Nikolaus yelled. There was a giant crash, the sound of glass shattering echoed in the house. Becca scooped up the young girl and started running away from her husband, her soulmate, her one and only.
"M-momma! I'm scared!" The young girl cried. When the two reached an old building, Becca set the girl down.
"It's all going to be ok sweetheart! Here take this." Becca said, taking off her jacket. She draped it around the young girl.
"You see this? This jacket gives you bravery! Momma needs you to be brave. Can you do that for Momma?" Becca asked the girl.
"Yeah! I'll b-be brave just like you and Poppa!" The little girl said smiling.
"That's my little warrior. Momma and Poppa are going to be gone for a little, so you’re going to stay here with some nice people, we'll be back! Just keep the jacket with you and you will be fine!! I promise we will find you again!" Becca said, kissing the little girl’s forehead.
"B-but Momma, I don't want you to go! I wanna c-come to!" The little girl cried out.
"I know little warrior, but you can't come! You're going to be fine! We'll meet again. I love you." Becca said holding the girl, tightly. She whispered some things and the girl was asleep. Becca laid the girl on the steps of the Orphanage, with the oversized jacket wrapped around her tightly.
"I'm sorry..." Becca whispered before racing off back the way she came.

~Dream End~

Nikita woke with a start drenched in sweat, and breathing heavily. What the hell was that? Who were they? Why was she dreaming of them? Why did they look so familiar? And most importantly, what time was it? Their was knock at the door, and Nikita glanced over at it. The door opened and Jasmine stepped in.

"Oh, good morning, Kita, I was just making sure you were awake!" Jasmine said smiling at her.

"Oh, thank you. Yeah, I'm awake! Can I take a shower?" I asked, looking at Jasmine. She laughed smiling, I still couldn’t believe I’m living with her now.

"You don't have to ask Kita, this is your house to now! I have some clothes here for you, and there is a fresh towel in the bathroom. Anything else you may need is in the bathroom as well. I'm making breakfast, so come down when you're ready!" Jasmine said. I smiled at her.

"Thanks.. I'll see you when I'm done!" I said happily. She responded with a quick ‘Ok’ before leaving and closing the door behind her. I'm so glad I'm with her. She really does think of everything. Once she left, I grabbed the clothes she left for me. A dark green dress.. With a brown leather braided belt, and black heeled boots.

Yeah, the outfit was cute, but seriously? A dress? I hate dresses. Hey, why am I complaining! At least I have clothes!! I went in the bathroom and stripped. Once in the shower my mind drifted over to the dream I had.

It was so strange! Why would I dream of something like that? I'll just talk to MJ later about it, I grabbed a citrus smelling shampoo and sighed, enjoying the warmth of the shower. At the Orphanage there were only two temperatures; Cold and Colder. After the shower I dried off and got ready. I put on my outfit and paused. What am I going to do with my hair?? What am I going to do? Crap.. Messy braid it is! I braided it into one long braid, but left two small strands of hair to frame my face. I smiled with the finished product. I grabbed my red jacket and put the shoes Jasmine lent me on. Crap! I almost forgot the belt. Putting that on, I opened my door and ran down stairs.

"Hey thanks for the clothes!" I said sitting at the table. Jasmine turned around to look at me and smiled.

"You looked beautiful Kita!" Jasmine replied, handing me a small bowl of porridge and some toast. She poured me a glass of milk and handed that to me as well.

"Thank you! You look amazing too! And thanks for breakfast!" I responded. She sat next to me, and we made small talk while eating. Once we both finished, I did the dishes. While doing the dishes I giggled and splashed some water at Jasmine, she gasped splashing me back, I laughed loudly squeezing soap on her head.

"Oh that's it!" Jasmine spoke, with mock anger. She rushed towards me and started tickling my sides. I wheezed as she scooped some soap off her head and rubbed it on my cheek. I smiled happily embracing my 'punishment' for the water war I started. She chuckled letting go of me, I laughed as well and went back to doing the dishes.

"Hey Jasmine do you know where I put my school bag?" I asked her, drying my hands on a rag.

"Yeah! Here it is! You left it downstairs, so I put it on the hooks over there." She said pointing towards it. I walked over to it. Oh, how handy dandy. That's great!

"Oh cool!" I said grabbing my school bag. I slinged it over my shoulder and smiled.
"Hey before you head off, I just wanted to let you know, I signed the papers and sent them to the Orphanage, you don't have to go back there ever again!" Jasmine said smiling at me. I smiled just as widely. This is amazing!

"Good to know! Thank you!! I'm going to head to the Academy now!! Bye Jasmine! See you later!" I said smiling more at her. She hugged me and told me to have a good day. I ran out the door and headed towards MJ's house. I have so much to tell her!

Ehehehehehe soooo nice little ✨Angst✨
What did ya think? Hehehe..
Have a nice night or day!!!

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