Flat Tires and Monday Blues

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The wind blew threw her hair as (Y/N) drove down the highway from her job, making her way to the little house outside of town, where her sweet neighbor Lucille watched her daughter for her while she worked. She cursed the fact that the air conditioner had gone out in her car, forcing her to ride with the windows down, her hair tangling as she does. Reaching over to turn the radio station, she feels a pop and the wobbly sound that could only mean one thing. A flat tire. She curses and pulls over to the side of the road, tears already forming in her eyes. She was supposed to pick (y/d/n) by 4 because Lucille and her husband were going out for their anniversary. She doesn't even get out of the car to look, just lets her head hit the steering wheel, exhausted from working two job, frustrated because it seemed like life just kept throwing punches at her. She fishes her phone out of her pocket so she could call Lucille and tell her what happened. Staring at the phone with the cursed little "no signal" symbol at the top. "Damnit!" She curses and hits the steering wheel before getting out and slamming her car door and kicking the flat tire. She never even heard the truck pull up behind her until she heard a voice behind her.

"Never seen that method of changing a flat before." Came a deep gravelly voice behind her. She turns, jumping in shock for a moment before her eyes land on a tall, broad shouldered man in a cowboy had with a tire iron and jack in his hand and a grin on his face. He looked like he was at least 20 years her senior. "Sir, I can handle it. I don't need any help." She says politely, her life teaching her long ago that trusting a man rarely earned you more than heartache. She sighs and pops her trunk, reaching for her spare tire but's stopped by the man's large, weathered hand on her forearm. She stops and steps back, letting him grab the tire and looks at him for a long moment. "Well, if you're going to be all macho about this and insist, can you at least tell me your name?" She asks with a huff. She hated feeling helpless. She should know how to do this, and on a normal day she would have, but she was mentally and physically exhausted from work and getting (y/d/n) from school to dance practice and t-ball practice. John turns and drops the spare tire to the ground, holding his hand out to her with a soft smile. "John Dutton, darlin'. What's your name?" He asks as he kneels down and begins jacking the car up so that he can remove the flat tire. He listens, but doesn't look back, intent on his task. "(Y/N). Thank you for stopping, Mr. Dutton. You didn't have. Most people wouldn't." She leans against the front of his truck watching him, a small smile coming to her face despite herself. He sure was a handsome man, and those blue eyes of his, well they made her feel flutters she hadn't felt in years, not since Matt, and boy was he a mistake. 

Before she knew it, John had the tire replaced and put the flat in her trunk and closes it, wiping his hands on his jeans and looking at her from under the wide brim of his black Stetson. "There's a little shop in town. Tell them I sent you and they'll get your tire replaced with a new one." He says and walks past her, tossing the tire iron and jack in the bed of his truck before coming back around to her. She watched him, her eyes skeptical as he tells her the tire would be paid for. "Sir, I don't want to owe you anything. I..I really have to be on my way, Mr. Dutton." She says softly. She was shocked to feel John place his hand softly on her shoulder. She looks up and sees the softest, kindest look shining in his eyes. She'd never seen that look on anyone but Lucille, and then and there, she knew this man was doing this solely to help someone out, to be neighborly and kind. She gives him a genuine smile and nods. "Thank you, John." She takes her keys and walks to her car door, opening it and glancing back as she hears him speak up again. "Miss (Y/N), you look like you've had a hell of a day. Why don't you let me buy you a cup of coffee in town?" He asks softly, his hands in his pockets as he waits for her reaction. He could tell she was hesitant and nods. "Maybe another time." He says and tips his hat. (Y/N) sighs softly as she contemplates his offer. She'd never allowed herself the chance to date, to even go out with friends. She just didn't have the time. (Y/D/N) was her whole world. She gives him a soft look of regret and shakes her head. "I really am sorry, Mr. Dutton, but I have to go. I'm already late." She was surprised when he simply smiles and nods, walking to his truck and climbing in before calling out of his window. "Be sure to go to Jeff's tire shop tomorrow. He'll get you fixed up. Nice meetin' you (Y/N). Maybe we'll run into each other again." He gives her a wink and slowly drives off, heading back to his ranch. 

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