Self-care is important..

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Idfk what happened to this chapter.

Like wtf. 

Low-key breaking hospital rules later but don't say shit.

No because i didn't expect this chap to end up like this--

Anyways, let's get into it.

"You're not my father." Shoyou huffed defiantly. He just wanted to sleep and he had to deal with this man? 

What utter bullshit.

"I'm hurt, truly. But I'm afraid I am son, y'know, biologically speaking you are." Another thing he learned, his sperm donor was weird.

And an entitled peice of shit.

"The test results haven't come back anyway, and who cares. You gave full custody to Mom didn't you? You're not my dad. What do you want." Hinata growled out, begining quite sassily.

"You know exactly what I want, eldest child of mine," Hinata could almost hear the twisted grin and he hated it with all his soul. "My late mother's inheritance? uh i think the fuck not. Try again." The other man just chuckled. "You'll hand it over one day. I have ways of getting things. And that's not all I wanted, you make me sound so evil!"  The gleeful tone the man said that last sentence in made shoyou's skin crawl, but Shoyou rolled his eyes, "You kind of are. Fuck off."

"I'm not, but anyway,"

"Shouldn't I get to see my daughter?" 

Shoyou actually did growl this time, out of pure rage at the man. "She's not your fucking daughter. You don't even know her name. And if you think I'm going to let an asshole like you prance in and out of her life, you're badly mistaken." 

The man on the other end of the line just laughed again, a sickening sound truly, to Shoyou's ears at least.

"You're going to end up like me you know. Can't you see the resemblence? You can deny our relation as much as you want, but at the end of the day, you're still my son."

Shoyou knew he couldn't let the words get to him. He knew it.

But he'd had no sleep recently, and so much had happened and he wanted to scream.

"No. I will never be like you. I will love my children, and if i get married, I'll love my spouse too. One thing you never got. Humans aren't just nameless doormats you can walk all over. They're people with, shocker, feelings. But I guess you can't relate to that can you." Shoyou hissed.

"I'll never understand what my mother saw in you. She was such a kind and caring person, i don't knew she got caught up in the likes of you. I will never accept you as family. And one other thing, her name is Natsu, and she's my daughter now bitch." Shoyou ended the call and blocked the number, though he knew his father would just call from a different one at a later time.

The beloved ginger stumbled over to the sink, but settled for sitting next to it.

Dammit. being sleep deprived messed with your emotions doesn't it. His breath began to shake. 'That wasn't even that bad. Calm down shoyou,' he tried to calm himself, but it only got worse. His eyes seemed to be messing with him, and that was never good.

 Shakily, he flitted through his phone before settling on Kenma's name.

Almost immediatly, the other picked up.

"Hello? Shoyou? What's wrong, are you okay?"

Shoyou chocked back a sob. Damnit, when did that start? "I'm.. okay. But come here.. please. Bathroom, down the hall." He said, dropping the phone, not even sure he hung up properly, but couldn't concentrate as he began to feel dizzy and was more focusing on not passing out before kenma got to him. 

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