Part 14

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Andy's POV

"hey there" I said as Matt walked into the station

"hey there" he waved back as he walked into the kitchen were all of us were sitting down

"why are you so well dressed?" I whispered as he walked over to the fridge

"why are we whispering?" he whispered back laughing

"want lunch?" asked Dean from the table

"thanks, just came back from lunch tho" he smiled

"dinner, at Sunday, looking this good?" I asked laughing

"Andy" he said smiling

"where were you tiger?" asked Jack from the table as Matt sat down

"isn't the alarm on?" he asked laughing

"you know, I was wondering if you could go check the hoses" said Vic

"great idea" he said getting up "I'll go get changed right away" he said as he fist bumped Vic on his way out

"got your back" she smiled as he walked throught the hallway

"come on!" said Ben "it was actually getting fun"

"let him be, you all know where he was" said Vic

"yeah" I said "but it's fun to see him confess about it"

After some minutes the alarm actually began to sound loudly through the station and everyone got up running

"Matt!" I yelled as came running to the engines "come on you're sticking to me" I said and a smile grew on his face as he began to get dressed and hopped on the truck after me

"here" said Jack as he handed him a the headphones with the mic

"you ready?" I asked and he nodded "Maya will meet us there"

Matt's POV

Hell yes, first shift on.

"Bishop with me" said Andy and I ran after her and into the burning house "don't separate okay?" she said and I nodded

"hose!" yelled Dean as he began shooting with water from the outside and we all dunked down as he extinguished the flames and kept on moving

"let's get this door down" yelled Jack as they tried to open it

"can I?" I asked and he nodded as I kicked it down

"holly shit" said Andy as she turned to me and we all walked inside the room

"guys?" said mom's voice over the radio

"copy captain" said Jack

"who in there?" she asked

"Bishop, Herrera and Gibson" said Jack

"Bishop as in?" she asked in a high tone

"yes captain" said Andy "he's doing great" she said

"okay then" said Maya "turn off the top part and come out, do not letting it expand, first floor is done" she said

"copy cap" said Jack as we kept on going

Maya's POV

come on come on come on, what's taking so long.

"Maya they're coming out" said Vic as she shook me out of my state and we jogged closer to the exit of the house

"need a gurney" said Andy as she ran outside

"Herrera?!" I asked in horror and suddendly I could breathe again

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