The Glimpse Of Past

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"I hate people when they say they know me but they don't "

Columbia, Texas
EVENING 4:00 pm

Currently Alexandra was running down from her office straight towards where the guest room were located. After relaying rules everyone had gone to their own room and Alexa too went straight to her room and changed into her comfiest and rather the childish trousers and went to her office for work where she remembered her said meeting with her oldest brother.  Right when the thought struck her mind. She bolted from her comfy office couch.

When she reached to her brothers office, she saw her currently least favorite brother a.k.a. Giovanni running with the same speed. His eyes was wide as saucers clearly defining he too has forgotten about that. Lets be honest although Alexa has won the previous round with her oldest brother but that doesn't mean she would win again and again. being the oldest in the Greco siblings he has that unknown power on all of his siblings which even she could not defy.

"phew! at least I am not alone in this!"  Alexa thought to herself silently sighing in relief.

"If I did die today, you would be the only person I would blame. Not like I would be the first one to be killed by your hands in the family!" Giovanni said lamely staring at the door.

"What do you mean?" Alexa questioned. Rage burning her eyes. she was so fed up with all of his shaming.

"you killed our mother ,right?"  Giovanni spat venomously.

Alexa looked at his third oldest  brother with shock and sadness. Her eyes unknowingly watered with the remark. She always thought they would be remarks about her absence for all this years but this accusation is beyond anything. She was too numb to even say something. She was so consumed in suppressing the horror memories of her mother death that she did not get to know when Giovanni opened the door.  She saw his oldest brother sitting on his bed with spectacles doing some work on his laptop. She so wanted to run to him and hug him for some comfort but she couldn't if he also thought about her like this. he did not right ?.

"You both are late" Domenic said looking at both of his siblings. He closed his laptop and folded his legs and sit comfortably on bed and his eyes on his little sister now whose has her head down looking at the floor which was very odd to him.

" Dom! you know, the weather is so ni-"

"I did not kill  Mom" 

Giovanni was rudely cut off by Alexa from his ridiculous shit or so she thought.  Domenic eyes widen at his sister remark.

"What!?"  Domenic asked staring back at Giovanni clearly knowing what had happen.

"Tell me Domenic,  Do you also think that  I was the one who killed Mrs. Greco, your mother" Alexa eyes was devoid of any emotions as if it was sucked out of her. She was staring at his brothers without any emotions but just a traitor tear which left her eyes without knowing herself.
"Never. I know you could never do it." Domenic said before he could see his sister break.
"Oh come on Dom, you knew we all saw her in that video with mum lying in blood and her hands cover in blood." Giovanni said bitterly drowning in his pain so much that he did not even think how badly his words could hurt others.
"Don't say something you could never take back, Giovanni!" Domenic glared at his younger brother.
"Then ask her, Why was she in that video? Where was she all these years? How did we believe she is not just sick murderer who killed her own mother?" Giovanni burn with anger.
"I. did. not. kill. her." Alexa repeated her each word.
"Oh yeah! How explain? You can't even call her your mother. Have some shame for gods sake. You are sick. You bloody murderer-

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