The Alex Grace

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Grace Estate
11:00 am

Almost everyone in the family has woken up when they heard shouting.
"Do you heard that too?" Emiliano asked Domenic getting out of his room. Domenic nodded his head in affirmative.
"Its like someone is hella angry" Emiliano said
They both went to kitchen and saw Alfonzo, Antonio sitting kn the barstools and eating their breakfast which Martha had made for them.
"Its quite chirpy here in the morning right" Alfonzo and Antonio said sarcastically at the same time.
"Alexa is in the meeting." Their father said sitting on one of the chairs.
"Lets go and see her." Giovanni smirked.
"And do what? seeing her shout at someone" Antonio retorted
"No, See if she is capable of something other than shouting like banshee" Giovanni smirked.
He did not hate Alexa but he was very angry to know that she knew about them all along but still do not came. If she thinks she could do all by herself, then why call them now?

"Stop that bullshit, Giovanni. You know that what she is capable of."
Domenic said. His eyes showing rage towards his younger brother.

"He is right. Lets go see her. No, not because of checking her capability or some shit." Alfonzo grimaced at his own words. " But I really want to see The Alex Grace not Alexandra Greco" Alfonzo said, being in the tech industry himself, Everyone knew how much he respected Alex Grace.
"I suggest you, Sirs to not go there. Miss is super angry or the sight won't be pretty. She never allowed anyone of us near her when she is this mad." Martha said them as warning but it only picked their interest more. Now even Domenic and Emiliano also wanted to see their sorella.

When they get near the office door. The voices became more clearer.

"Can you fucking shut up! I don't want to hear this bullshit. I want answer, either yes or no. Can someone tell how my team get this weak?
I want results, the. Fucking. Results,If you all don't want to die this week. Better fucking give me information about Pedro." Alexandra snarled in her company department heads meeting. They visibly shrink in the camera when they saw their boss so angry.

"Damn she is more scarier than you, Nic" Alfonzo said looking at his oldest brother who was not doing any effort hiding behind the door, just standing there with folded arms giving his youngest brother a pointed look.
"I agree with him. She is just like the female version of you which makes it much more scary." Antonio said. Dom did not say but no-one could miss the small smile that pulls up on his face.

"We will try, Mam!" One of the head, Wilson said with his eyes casting downwards.

"Trying gets you nowhere, Wilson and next time look me in my fucking eyes when you are talking to me. I am not giving salaries to Cowards." Alexandra glared the head of  communication department.
"Don't show your faces until you get any information." Alexandra said ending the meeting. She sighed irritatingly and smash the cup with the window but a shard came and prick under eyes. She hissed but still too angry to do anything. Completely forgetting, She was not alone in the home.

When they heard smashing sound. Everybody tensed up.
Emiliano immediately clutch the the door handle to open it.
"Don't. come.  inside.  Martha. Get out!"
Her voice held so much restraint that it felt like she was physically hurting. Which only made Emiliano more worried. Being the doctor, he knew what she was having.

An anger outburst.

Emiliano slowly opened the gate signaling his brothers to not enter the room.
He slowly opened the door.
"Did you not get what-" her eyes widen when she saw her brother entering the office.
"Please go out, Eli" she asked him as calmly as she could.

"No"  Emiliano said. His eyes widen when he saw the room was mess with broken pieces of cup and her sister face was bleeding.

He slowly went to her table.
"Emiliano" She said with finality to stop him.
"Calm down, Alexa. Take a deal breath and follow me" Emiliano bought her hand to his heart. There was tense silence in the room.
"With my heartbeat count to 3 and take a deep breath in and again count to 3."
Alexandra followed Emiliano and after 8th breath she was finally calm. Emiliano hugged her close as she snuggle into his pinewood scent making herself feel like she was home.
"Thankyou so much, Eli" She mumbled into his neck.
"I am always here for you, Sorella."

She saw all of her brothers enter her office.
"What you all are doing here?" She asked still hugging Emiliano loving the sense of security he was giving.
Her brothers were worried about her but did not say anything about the whole thing because they do not want anything to initiate another again.
"We just wanted to know who was screaming like a fucking banshee." Giovanni said leaning on the wall.
"Now that you know it, get out of my office" Alexa said. She was super irritated from him. She could not understood Why he was so mean to her. He was once  his favorite brother after Dom of course.
"For your kind information, you needed our help and that's why you called us right?" Giovanni retorted 
"I asked for help as the owner of the Apex in return with assassinations aids which would caused you otherwise millions to get from me. But anyways, Thanks for reminding me, I was never the part of your family.
If you are talking about business then I am sure, I am senior to you in social status. So if you are only here just for the sake of the deal. You should better treat me with respect. Better watch, what you say, big brother or not." Alexa eyes darken as she said.
Everybody tensed at what she had said.
"Who do you thing you are? Little girl" Giovanni stalked towards her. His eyes showing rage but Alexa was not even 1% intimidated. She was looking at him with same range.
"Stop, both of you." Domenico silent command work on them instantly. Giovanni stopped and Alexa was looking at Dom now.
"In my room, After lunch" both of their eyes widen as soon as Dom said those words. Alexa had never be in infamous interrogation of Dom as she was a kid back then. But when his brothers came out of his room after that ,they would look so pale. So that's why Alexa had learn one lesson in her childhood home to never make Dom angry But today she exactly did that.
She sighed and nodded yes. There is no way in hell she would get out of it so easily.
"Can we hung out sometime. I really wanted to hack things with you." Alfonzo said unconsciously with dreamy eyes breaking the tension all along.
Yeah, He was approx 4 years older than him. He was so damn obsessed with the hacking pattern of The Alex Grace and he Admired her, secretly. But after knowing she was his little sister make him so proud of her.
"You really do admire her brother." Antonio said smirking.
"No,never, She is my little sister and I want to spend time with her." He said rather too quickly.
"Oh you did! Remember when he went crazy when Grace corp. launched his new range for laptops especially designed for hacking" Emiliano said clearly ratting him out.
"I would love to." Everybody eyes snapped at their sister who was standing with her hands folded slightly awkward. Her cheeks were red but none the way she smiled.
"That's an honour for me to work with one of the best hacker out here." Her eyes twinkled with pride for his brother as he said these words.
Alfonzo swiftly move towards her and took her in his arms.

"I am also proud of you Alexa. You are really the miracle of the family."

I am out.

By the way
Love you guys for reading my book.(-;

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