Another one of those nights

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Just another night I can't fall asleep because I'm so angry at how shit of a family I've been brought into. It's fucked.

It's the 13th of December and my dad hasn't talked to me all year. Why you may ask? Because he's an emotionally abusive cunt. But besides that, he got into an argument with my mum so he stops talked to ME. tf??????? Like this man deserves to rot.

And now for some more over searching. When I was like a tween, I bought my own phone. Whatever. It got old, laggy so my dad bought me a new one and he got me a new phone. (This is all ages ago)

Now he uses my old phone to text other fucking women. Now, I've been through his phone before because I don't trust the cunt. But, I did this when I was a little younger so I didn't really know what I was looking for. But I found pictures of him kissing some girls cheek. A girl holding his hand while he drove. AND A PICTURE OF HER WITH THE FAMILY FUCKING DOG (she's passed away now, love you Annie <3). But what a fucked it cunt.

I sent those pictures to my mum. Yet here she is, still in her unhappy marriage. Like she knows I hate the guy and that he's a problem so why the fuck would you stay????

But anyway, back to my old phone. I went through his phone maybe a week ago. I decided hey, let's see what bitches he's talking to. I found two main girls. I took loads of screen shots and videos because I just wanted it for evidence ya know?

The reason I'm ranting sm rn is because THATS MY PHONE I PAID FOR. What a sick cunt. To use your dads old phone to talk to some bitches.

Can you tell I'm just really not okay?  I just really hate my life. But hey, this may sound sad, but Swetty is my escape. And if you read close enough in my one shots, you can see that I present my ideologies in them.

Anyway, I don't know what else to say

Oh wait, I do. This isn't edited and I wrote it really fast so I have no idea if it makes sense (it's 3:20 am) and for the love of god, don't fucking cheat.

Me ranting because, like, I need to vent lol Where stories live. Discover now