Chapter 2

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Helloooo ^.^
Here's chapter 2, enjoy the tension and angst!
The song for this chapter is very short, but I do feel it fits quite well with the chapter. Its 'Fall Into Your Arms' by Bastille VS. The Gemma Sharples Quartet! Enjoy!
The twittering and chirruping of birds outside draws you from your slumber, and you blink your eyes sleepily. You feel properly rested for the first time in weeks; the wilds of Middle-Earth and open air made even the most unshakable travellers restless sleepers. 

There is something of a strange texture beneath your head, but you are not conscious enough yet to make it out. Another something is stroking your hair gently, soothing you in your state of bleariness. Murmurs and whispers also reach your ears, and it's not until someone chuckles that you truly come to. The pillow is rising and falling evenly beneath your head- wait, rising and falling?

Your eyes snap open and your pillow is revealed. A familiar dwarvish chain mail shirt. A familiar fur coat. Look up into the eyes of your pillow, you flush bright red with embarrassment. Your pillow is Thorin's chest!

"Good morning," he grins impishly at you, and you flush an even darker shade of beetroot.

 "Did you sleep well?"

Lifting your head, you hurriedly slide away from him."I'm so sorry," you stammer, rubbing sleep from your eyes, but he just laughs it off.

 "It is fine," he says, blue eyes sparkling. You must've rolled over during the night and unconsciously grabbed hold of him. How embarrassing!

Becoming more aware of your surroundings, you see that most of the Company was standing around the room, whispering to one another and looking at you, bemused smiles on their faces. Bilbo is curled in a corner, still fast asleep. Fili and Kili are slumped on the floor nearby, shoulders shaking, and despite your hopes, you sincerely doubt it's from food poisoning.

"How long were you, erm, trapped before I woke up?" you ask Thorin, standing up and dusting yourself off.

"Not too long," he says, joining you on your feet, but a hardened glance from you and he quails. "Since dawn," he admits sheepishly, and your embarrassment only grows.

"You should've woken me," you say exasperatedly, looking around for Gandalf. The wizard is sitting on a stool in the corner, puffing on his pipe, a contented smile on his face.

"You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you," Thorin argues, giving you another reassuring smile.

You sigh, and run a hand hapzardly through your hair. "It won't happen again," you say to him quietly, then venture off in Gandalf's direction.

"Whatever is the matter, Y/N?" the wizard asks as you approach, puffing out a smoke ring. These  days Gandalf was smoking like a village chimney- probably due to the stress of coralling thirteen dwarves, a hobbit and a dwarrowdam across Middle-Earth in one piece.

"You tell me," you say grouchily, flopping down onto the ground next to his stool. The sun has barely risen through the window, much to your relief, proving you didnt sleep too long.

"I don't see why waking up from a good night's sleep in the arms of someone beloved-" you shush him at his last words, terrified someone, especially Thorin, would hear. You'd had enough embarrassment for one day.

"-Is such a bad thing," Gandalf finishes in undertone. "Clearly Thorin didn't mind."

 Looking over at the dwarf prince, who is frowning at something Dwalin has told him, you feel a bit better about things. Thorin could have pushed you away, but he let you sleep. And he was smiling. That had to mean something, didn't it?

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