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First chapter, here we go!!!!
the song for this chapter is...

'Foreigners God by Hozier! Another absolute fav song of mine, I am in love with Hozier's voice omg

And a shoutout to my homie for being awesome and translating stuff into Khuzdûl, you can follow her at !

The translations for the Khuzdûl words are in the square brackets, just to make things easier for you guys :)

He lay facing her back, arms wrapped around her waist, spooning their bodies together. The wind howled outside, rain lashing the windows, sky inky black in the dead of night. But inside the mountain, the candles flickered and the fire in the hearth crackled cosily, filling the room with warmth.

She looked so beautiful as she slept, long lashes closed, sweet mouth barely parted. She was absolutely perfect, in his mind, and he never tired of beholding her. He shifted slightly behind her, and the soft furs on the bed tickled his bare skin. She stirred, and rolled around to face him, eyes blinking sleepily.

"Azyung [lover]," she murmured, smiling slightly, and cuddled further into his chest. "Sleep, givashel [treasure of all treasures]," he urged softly, pressing a kiss to her soft forehead.

"Men lananubukhs menû, Thorin. Menû tessu dê. Ra amnâd hikhthuzul amrul menû". [ I love you, Thorin. You are everything to me. I will always love you] Her naked skin above the furs reflected the firelight, glowing entrancingly.

His heart warms and swells at her romantic, passionate words. His crystal blue eyes gazed down to meet hers, and his hand cupped her smooth, soft cheek.

"Ra amnâd hikhthuzul men lananubukhs menu, mizimelûh. La'-ê nutut a'tum". [And I will always love you, jewel of all jewels. Until my final breath].

"Hikhthuzul [Always]?" Her voice wavers slightly, and he gently kisses her tender lips.

"Hikhthuzul [Always]".


Thorin woke with a start, sitting up from his bedroll. Beads of sweat roll of his forehead, and his breathing was in loud, ragged gasps. Wiping his forehead with the sleeve of his coat, he peers around in the darkness, eyes adjusting in the dim light.

The prone shapes of his companions slump against rocks on lying on the ground, emitting soft snores. The fire in the center of the camp burns low against the pitch black sky, casting wide shadows across the clearing.

The memory of his dream hung heavily in his mind, and he could recall it in stunning, haunting detail. Remembering that night deep in the mountain, tangled in the arms of his love.

He could see her clearly from where he sat in his bedroll. Staring at her sleeping face, as beautiful as he remembered it a melancholy feeling settled inside his heart. So close, just feet away, tucked into her bedroll between his nephews. But yet so far.

What was he supposed to do?

His first duty was to Erebor. He had to reclaim his homeland, that was of utmost urgency. He found it hard to sleep at night without dreaming of the mountain. Except for tonight, when he had dreamed of Y/N.

Was it divine intervention? Were his ancestors and gods urging him to pursue her once more? Is that why they had sent that dream, that forgotten memory to him?

His heart had longed to tell her, to confess to her his feelings ever since they had rekindled amongst the chaos of their journey, but current events and the rationality of his head had always stayed his hand.

'Lost Without You'- A Thorin Oakenshield FanficWhere stories live. Discover now