12 - Decision.

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First of all, I am still under bed rest. I just got my mobile back for an hour. So I'm quickly writing this note. Starwarshp10, Karnathegreat and _Rudra_ , this chapter is dedicated to you guys. Thanks for checking up on me so many times :)

Bhagwan Parshurama was well aware of what his daughter had done. Ira was a manipulator. He knew that well. He was the one who had taught her, though most of the work had been done by Shukracharya, the Asura Guru and his own wife, Dharini. When he had felt that particular astra being fired, he had frowned. 

He had wondered why it was been used when the war had been suspended.

He had gotten the news from the people who resided in the sanctuary he had built in the Mahendragiri Mountains. From humans to Yakshas, all had been provided sanctuary in his abode. He hadn't been keen on discriminating and especially when one has lived as much as him, one wouldn't even think of such petty matters. While he may have said that he would only teach Brahmins, he had made exceptions - Bhishma was one and Karna was another.

He had responded only when he noticed the Brahmāstra coming towards his daughter who hadn't moved from her place.  She knew she could have moved or even neutralized the Brahmāstra. She hadn't. 

It begged a question. Why hadn't she? 

Parshurama knew a ploy when he saw one. And this ploy was played by his daughter, his Bhargavi. It was an invitation. An invitation for him to interfere . He had played along with her ploy. He appeared and gave them a big scare like she wanted him to do. Ira didn't need to tell him what to do. He understood just by the way she manipulated the situation. 

He even met the current avatar of Narayana. He was neither impressed nor very awed at meeting the current avatar like everyone else. He had met Maharaja Ramachandra in Satya-Treta yuga. He was supposed to be training Kalki, the future avatar of Narayana in Kali yuga.

He was an avatar of Narayana too. Last time with Rama, he got involved because the boy went and broke his Gurudeva's bow. Later he was impressed with his humility but other than that he kept away. Honestly he wouldn't have cared if his daughter wasn't involved.

But as he had responded to his daughter's invitation, he had to punish the one who had used the Brahmāstra as if it was an ordinary missile to be launched. Among Krishna and him, seniority fell to him. Obviously he had to punish the boy. Sometimes he wondered who had given this immature kids celestial missiles without telling them the unwritten rules. 

Then there was the matter with Krishna. He had a feeling his daughter wanted him there so she could reveal exactly who, or rather, whose daughter she was in the face of the current avatar. Ira must have believed that none of them would have believed her unless she showed them the proof. Otherwise she wouldn't have called him like that, specially when she knew that he was watching just because she was involved in it. 

Specially after that stunt Karna did. 

He shook his head. He is still perplexed as to why his daughter had fallen for him. Probably that sarcastic tongue of Karna. At least that's what he wanted to believe. He hadn't protested much though as it was through Karna he had found Ira as a daughter. He had just hoped that Ira's brains would rub off on that idiot somehow. 

Emotions were exhausting and he tried not to get entangled in them much. 

Although he would be adamant in saying that he had a very bad choice in students. While one had no qualms in abducting princesses for his clan, the other asks war in Guru Dakshina. His third student, Karna got himself entangled in politics that he should have stayed far away from and then later went and saved some newly revealed nephew of his which somehow hadn't blown up on his face. Yet. 

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