5 - Startled Bhishma.

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Ira was many things - a wife, a warrior, a mother and a sister, yet she was also a very brilliant strategist. One declared even the best by the like of her revered teachers. Having been taught by Bhagwan Parshurama, later been adopted by him and Mata Dharini, she had never taken things for granted.

She knew the struggle of survival. She knew the pains of being mocked. 

As a orphan, she had nothing going for her. For as long as she knew, she had struggled, until she had met her Radheya. She had been a six year old child, refusing to give up against the cruel world, surviving alone in the dark jungles of the land. Then also, it had not been easy. Having befriended him, she got the love and care of her adopted parents. 

It would have been easy to forget her beginning in the face of overwhelming love, strict care and careful guidance. But she had been taught powerful morals and her mind was cultivated under impeccable instructions. 

In the end, she was human and humans were inherently selfish. Ira was immensely protective of her family. She won't let them be harmed if she could help it. 

She had kept quiet for so long, even when there was war threatening her husband and children, due to the circumstances of Dyut. She knew what happened. 

She kept quiet when Karna was told of his birth to cripple him emotionally; She stayed quiet when Krishna asked for her husband's punya he had collected by his own merit; She was enraged yet stayed silent when Indra dev came to collect Karna's Kavach and kundals; She did not even confront Rajmata Kunti regarding her utter selfishness. 

But now when Vrisha himself had taken a step, Ira would make sure he crossed the entire ocean. 

She had stayed hidden. Everyone that cared for Karna knew her well, but for the rest of the people she was a nameless and faceless person. She was thankful of the anonymity then, but now, it was time she must come into the limelight. 

With that determination and excitement of finally shedding her own shackles, she glanced up to meet Radheya's soft knowing eyes.  She gave a small smile, as she gestured towards the back entrance of the tent. He gave a nod, as he wrapped his plain white angavastram around him like a shawl. 

"Stay safe," He whispered to her, bestowing a loving kiss on her temple, "I will be nearby. After everything is settled, I wish to go to meet Gurudeva. "

"Make sure to stay out of sight," She instructed with a soft smile, "After you have met Pitashree, return to Anga. I will be there to welcome you back."

He gave a sharp nod, his eyes darkened with glacial intelligence. He left swiftly through the back entrance of the tent, not leaving a single mark to track his disappearance. 

Ira sighed, her eyes glittering as she quickly took the bowl of salve nearby. Glancing at Laxmana, she was assured that her son-like-nephew was alive and well. She strode towards the outer area of the tent to find Abhimanyu and his wife Uttara were still unconscious, rather, Uttara had cried herself to sleep by his side. 

She kept the bowl on a nearby table, before poking her head out the tent flaps. 

"Maya!" She whisper-yelled.  A maid who was standing right beside the trusted soldiers surrounding the tent, glanced at her with a inquisitive look. Ira gestured her inside. 

"Maharani?" The maid Maya, blinked as she came to find people of the opposite camp within the tent. She turned towards the Queen of Anga with a small smile, "What rumour do I need to spread?"

Ira's lips curled into a smirk at her spy's question. She lent to whisper in her ear, which made Maya's eyes widen at what she was asked to do. She was surprised but seeing her queen's look, she did not question her. If Maharani Ira felt it would work, then it would. She had seen proof of her queen's brain previously. Rather than being skeptical, she was the rather interested to see what the outcome would be. 

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