Chapter 1

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My arm swiftly went around in a circle and so did the water as it danced through the sky. The snow below my feet seemed to speak as I took step after step. I directed the snow slowly over to the fountain and dropped it in with a sigh of relief. I walked over to the big ice tower and stolled in.

"Welcome back Mr. Boo," the man at the counter said. I waved to him as I strolled up the marble steps to the first then second floor.

"100, 101, 102, 103..." I counted as I walked past. I looked around seeing the unique cracks in the wall as if they were telling a story.

"104" I whispered, taking my keys and pushing it through the metal hole. With a satisfying clicking sound I opened the door into my temporary humble abode.

"Hello!" I say to- myself. In the mirror. Alone. I smile at myself, staring at my own reflection and grab my notepad. The alcohol markers stain through the paper as I drew... SOMETHING. It had a smiley face mask with curvy hair and a wicked smile. Who is this? I ponder only to be intruded in my thoughts by Tubs who trampled on top of me and knocked me over. He was directly on top of me, so close I could almost- no, he doesn't like me why would he like me? Even with this thought my face turned red.

"Hello boss man!" He said, rolling off me and onto the space of bed next to me.

"So how's life?" I sat up and shrugged my shoulders. I placed my hands on my lap and looked down at my feet, trying to find a conversation in the awkward silence of the air. My face was still hot so I kept it down so he wouldn't see.

"What's wrong boss man?" He said, trying to make eye contact I pulled my head up but didn't make eye contact.

"Uhhhh, nothing nothing. How's your day?" I said, moving the conversation to something more cheerful.

"Good. I came here to tell you we were going to leave the water nation soon so you can go learn fire bending!" I stopped. The memories came flooding back. No no no don't break down I breathed heavily and responded the best I could.

"Wow! I uh- guess I should start packing..." I said, hinting that he should leave.

"Ayy you don't need to do that yet how about you get your ice skates and we can go skating before we leave?" He said. That sounded promising.

"Ok! I'll get my ice skates" I said. "You go on without me" He nodded and skipped out the door. I sigh and walk over to my closet to find the skates. I hastily bring them and stay a little behind as Tubs happily skipping figure in front of me. I see Tom merge into his path and walk with him.

"Where are you going" He says

"Ice skating" Tubs replies

"Am I invited?"

"If you like I guess"

"Alright... may I ask you something" Tom narrows his eyes while looking at him

"Sure, what is it?" Tub says, not expecting the next word

"You like him huh" Tub stops

"What? When did I say that?"

"The way you look at him is different from the way you look at a friend" Tub went silent and tried to lose Tommy but it didn't work. Tommy made sure he would stay with him.

"Just tell me i'm your best friend-" Tub looks away from Tommy as he speaks "Right? I am your best friend?" Tommy looked doubtful and sad.Tub looked away and walked down the stairs, he was no longer skipping.


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