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(Trevor and Michael hooked up for the first time since the North Yankton days, and now Michael will hardly talk to him and has been avoiding him. It seems that Franklin has to rectify the situation for his homies, like always)

Franklin groaned with annoyance as he watched the Canadian pace back and forth in the middle of his kitchen for the third time that day. "Trev, dog, just sit the fuck down, your ass is stressing me out!"
"I can't just sit down, asshole! That fucking fuckwad is pissing me the fuck- ugh!" The older man complained a sound out in frustration as he pulled at his thinning hair, feeling like the angry tears could pop out at any second, but he refused to shed any tears in front of Franklin. Instead, he punched at the counter in a blind rage to the man who had lit up his already short fuse; Michael fucking Townley.

"Look, man, what is even the problem? Just fix the fucking drama!" The younger man raised his voice an octave higher in his question, fearing the safety of his kitchen counter. "How am I supposed to 'fix the drama' if Michael won't even talk about it?!" Trevor huffed out like the answer was so obvious, and Franklin waited for the drug addict to calm down a little before he responded to the probably rhetoric question.

"Trev, man" Frank made sure to have his voice relaxed, not wanting to anger the other more than he already was. "I mean this in the nicest fucking way possible, but you're being a bit of a hypocrite" Trevor didn't seem to have any words in response to that, and Franklin took his almost confused look as a sign to continue. "Have you even actually tried to bring it up yourself? Or have you just been beating around the bush in hopes Michael will?"

The younger man seemed to have his question answered for him by the look in the Canadian's eyes. "Exactly, dog. You homies just need to sit the fuck down with each other and talk the fucking tension out. Maybe buy some drinks n' Joints and bring them back to his place?"

"I'll probably just...take him to a bar or something, I guess. I mean, what about the kids? I doubt they want to walk in on Daddy and Uncle T talking out emotions" Trevor almost shuddered at the thought. "Man, you guys need to talk about this more than I thought. Didn't M tell you? The kids and Amanda walked out weeks ago. Their getting a divorce"

It seemed that those words halted Trevor to the fucking floor. Don't get Franklin wrong, Trev was an angry fucking dude, and a pasty old one at that, but he'd never seen someone look more liked a kicked puppy then in that moment. "Why?" Was the only words the eerily sad man could muster, and F felt almost guilty on Michael's behalf.

"I mean, there wasn't any outstanding reason why, I don't think. It was kind of a long thing coming, and the kids were pretty much out of the picture now that Tracey had gone to college and Jim was staying with his friend. There wasn't any reason for them to stay together anymore"

T shakily took a seat at one of the kitchen barstools next to F, and both sat in a sort of silence for a short while. Trevor's small voice cut through the quiet of the air, sounding both relieved and heartbroken at the same time. "I didn't ever think he'd actually do it..."

"Neither did I, man. Neither did I...but this is good, right? Now y'all don't have to act like edgy teenagers in love who don't know how to interact with eachother, y'know?"

"I wish it was that simple. Michael is more of a repressed fucking faggot than I am. He'll deny until the end of his fucking life if he genuinely wanted to" The words were spoken with such venom that Franklin was a little surprised. "Hey, man. Then don't let him do that. Back him up into a corner, so he has to be honest. Oh- but don't like literally back him up into a corner, or shit will just get worse" "I knew what ya meant, Frank"

Silence enveloped the room once again, and this one seemed more peaceful than the last. "Thanks, F" "Yeah it's nothing, homie...you want a beer?" "Fuck, I thought you'd never ask"

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