I Hope You Reincarnate As A Flower

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TharaFrong: Frong has a certain interest in flowers so much that he turns his victims into flowers.

(A/N: Writing this made me realize that Frong dealt with flowers and plants also while King specifically loved plants lol whoops.)
This was inspired by the songs: Princess Castle by Jazmin Bean & Cottontail, Let It Out by Rico Nasty

"Wow, these flowers are so beautiful! It's so hard to choose which ones I want." A middle aged woman exclaimed in delight, going around the store with her eyes wide. "Thank you ma'am, I made them myself. Oh, and take your time, I'm sure you'll be able to pick the perfect flowers." Frong replies politely with a smile.

The woman looks back at Frong and tilts her head, "You made them? Haha, don't you mean you planted them? I'm starting to wonder where you were even able to grow these." She chuckles while caressing a flower petal. Suddenly, Frong's polite and happy expression fell from his face. The atmosphere in the flower shop turns dark and depressing, you could almost even say it was draining. Sensing that something was wrong the lady turns and runs to the door and tries to escape, only to realize the door was locked. Her body stills like a plank of wood while her heart beats erratically. Frong slowly walks up behind her and drags his hand from the top of her head to her neck, swooping her hair behind her shoulder. "Like I said, I made them myself. Want me to show you how, Bellis(1)?" He whispered in her ear. Her neck and back felt as though vines were crawling and squirming on her skin.

"Please...please don't hurt me. I-" She whimpers with her eyes shut tightly until something fuzzy and soft touched her arm. The woman gasps and jumps to the side, finally opening her eyes. Frong is holding out a small pot of Bellis flowers with a small grimace on his face. "Sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you. Uhh, but these are the Bellis flowers, super easy to take care of." The woman looked at the flower pot and back up to Frong, inching away from him. "No, wait! I'm really sorry about that, I was just a little offended you thought I couldn't make my own flowers." Frong says, feeling panicked. He briskly takes her hand and gives her the small plant. The woman is still quiet and stares at the plant in her hands. "It's on the house..." Frong mumbles, rubbing his elbow before walking back to stand behind the register.

Scoffing, the middle aged lady throws down the flower pot, making it shatter with dirt being displayed all over the floor. She then stomps on the one flower and grinds it into the floor with her shoe. "Fucking weirdo." The lady grumbles while walking out of the store.

Frong bites his tongue until it bleeds and stares blankly at the mess the customer made. "I need a break, m'starting to go a little crazy." He says with a tired sigh before walking over to the destroyed flower with a broom. Once he cleaned the floor, Frong closed up the small shop and walked to his favorite nearby cafe.

"Oh hey Frong! You want your usual order, or something new?" Thara asks while smiling, causing Frong to feel warm. "I'll just order my usual for today. I need something to brighten my mood after what happened at the flower shop." Frong says with a grimace. While making Frong's drink, Thara frowns "Oh no, what happened at the shop? Did you get hurt? Maybe I can look at it after my shift, I get off in a couple of minutes anyways." Thara rambles.

Frong waves his hand and shakes his head, "It's fine, I'm not hurt or anything. It was just a woman who showed up and threw one of my potted plants onto the floor...so I had to clean everything up." Thara scoffs and hands Frong his drink, "Some people are so rude, there's no reason to destroy an innocent beautiful flower." He mumbles. "Yeah, well it's fine since more flowers are being delivered today anyways." Frong mentions, shrugging.

He looks down at his drink and notices a flower resting on top. "A Snapdragon(2)? Are these even edible?" Frong asks while poking the flower. Thara laughs, "I mean you won't die if you eat it, but it's just for decoration. I thought I'd try something new, does it look like it goes with the drink or should I choose a different flower?" "I mean, it kind of looks like a creepy dragon staring at you...or a sign that says 'poison drink, beware'." Frong says, slightly chuckling without thinking.

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