Trevor gets mad sad

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(EDIT 12/07/23; So I wrote this in like 2021 and....I HATE IT. Like, it is so bad. So, I will be editing some chapters, either small changes or heavy edits. This one will be getting some HEAVY edits.)

Mad sad and sad mad were two very different things when it came to Trevor, Michael came to realize in having known him. But now, knowing the Canadian for 21 years has certainly increased his knowledge on the topic.

When Trevor got Sad mad it was a little more scary and unpredictable. This almost and always was caused by a trigger, where he will build up the sad emotions over a period of time until he gets so overwhelmingly sad that he will go onto a murderous rampage or have a screaming match until his lungs are practically sandpaper.

However, When Trevor got Mad sad, it would consist of his emotions getting so out of proportion that he'll scream until the madness gets too much and he'll end up bursting into tears or occasional panic attacks. Sometimes there was a trigger, like Michael arguing back or a recent emotional event.

Although he knew that both events eventually occurred when it came to Phillips, it was actually quite rare to see the latter. Michael wasn't particularly sure how to approach the emotion just yet, even if he'd known the other for two decades, one of which he was absent for.

So as Michael and Trevor sat down for their first official date, he could see just how tense the Canadian was. At first he thought it might be due to nerves. Despite Trevor's exterior appearance, Michael knew he was sensitive when it came to topics such as love and dating. Trevor was barely experienced on the topic, and Michael suspected that part of the reasoning was both his sexual orientation and his mommy issues. However, as they ate their food and conversation wasn't flowing as much as it always would, De Santa became acutely aware of the actual problem. Trevor wasn't nervous, he was uncomfortable. If his shuffling and restless notions were anything to go by, Trevor was not enjoying the moment. Michael wasn't sure how to approach this new found knowledge.

Michael gently placed a hand over the top of his boyfriends own, keeping eye contact as he prepared to ask him about it, but the other didn't give him the chance.  Trevor was not happy with the look he was being given, let alone the contact, in such a public space. It suddenly felt like all eyes were on him, like this was a gigantic mistake and he was doing something wrong, and it caused him such inexplicable anger. He sucked in a deep breath, forcefully shaking Michael's hands off of him before standing up. Trevor angrily stormed out of the restaurant, not looking back to give the other any reasoning. Michael was thrown off by the sudden movement. Unsure of what to do, he quickly left his money on the counter before following after his boyfriend. Pacing at his own car, Trevor's hands were balled up into firsts. He felt overwhelmed, angry, resentful. It felt like the world was crashing in on him and the only current way to let out the frustration was by landing a hefty punch on the side of his now dented bodhi that was parked outside of the mediocre restaurant. Firmly gripping his arms, the knuckles on his right hand began to pool with tiny bits of blood. He was angry, he was panicked, he was terrified. Holy shit, he was so fucking scared of everything around him that in the specific moment he couldn't help but break down. He hadn't even noticed Michael at his side until his arms instinctively pushed him away in an aggravated motion. "Just- Fuck off, Mikey! I can't fucking stand you, this is all your fault!"

At first Michael was pissed off. The fuck had he done to wind up Trevor, now? But as he looked closer he saw the absolute panic on the Canadians face and suddenly he felt like this was actually his fault. Like he'd done something he shouldn't have without even realizing, and it had tipped the male over the edge.

Michael wasn't exactly sure how to act, but he did know that if Trevor ever told him to leave, he really didn't mean it if he was frantic like he was now. Phillips' abandonment issues left him absolutely hating being left alone, especially by a source of comfort like Mikey was to him. Besides, De Santa would never dream of leaving him again.

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