Kessler, Twelve

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Summer 2021

Seeing Quinn and the boys happy is all I've ever wanted, since I first saw her completely broken carrying two kids into a bar. They've been staying at my house, well since she showed up at the bar, but I begged her to stay. Tried explaining that she didn't need to find a job unless she wanted to, she didn't need to move, unless she wanted to. Her and the boys were my family now.

Seeing as how things with Quinn and I progressed rather quickly after that kiss a few months ago, I don't think she wanted to leave either.

I was in love with her.

Like the kind of love that borderline gross.

The kind of love that I tossed her adorable ass over my shoulder and run outside during a rainstorm just to kiss her.

She's never been kissed in the rain.

I've been patiently waiting, letting her take the lead on our entire relationship, because with everything she has been through. There was no way in hell I was going to push her to do anything unless it was at her own pace.

It took her awhile to get used to not constantly apologizing for everything.

And I mean everything.

She'd be washing the boys' clothes and apologize for them sitting in the washer for ten minutes after they were finished.

She'd apologize for being in the kitchen making herself lunch, which was an amazing sight, because she thought she was in my way, since I was out in the fields all morning and was stopping to check on them and grab food for myself.

She'd apologize for making dinner and it taking longer, and I mean not being ready exactly when I walked back in the door. Which was never the same time daily.

Days when I'd get home late, she'd apologize for still being awake. Those were my favorite nights because I'd stalk right over to her and claim her perfect lips until she released all that tension and worry from her body.

She'd apologize for sleeping in my bed, since I wasn't.

She'd apologize for the boys sleeping in my room with her instead of the room I had for my nephews.

It didn't matter how many times I told her it was fine, not to worry, it's okay, I don't mind. She would still apologize.

I raised my voice once, and I'll never do it again.

It wasn't even to her.

I was on the phone with Kooper, we were in a heated conversation about Kiser and how he was threatening to take us all to court.

I made the mistake of slamming my phone down on the counter.

That terrified look in her eyes will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Never did I want her to be scared or worried when it came to me or this house.

She needed to feel safe.

I wanted her to be safe.

I needed her to feel safe enough to stop thinking she's constantly doing something wrong. To not walk around this house like someone is going to flip out on her, hurt her or the boys.

I know she'll get there, since she's gotten so much better.

"Hey." Her smile made my world so much brighter. I couldn't help but stare as she walked into the house. "Thank you for letting me use your truck today." I shrugged.

"Whenever you need it." The starter in her car went out, and she insisted that she wanted to pay for it and have it fixed. My little brother Kaulder is the one that's going to fix it. In the meantime, she's been using my truck. I tell her anytime, she still asks every time, and thanks me every time. I can't help but laugh about it.

"Thank you."

"How'd it go?" She went for a job interview today at the public school in town.

"Great, really hoping I get it."

"Me too." I smiled heading over to her before slowly pulling her in for a kiss. Everything slow, which I was fine with. It gave me more time to appreciate the moments.

"Were the boys, okay? Thank you for watching them."

"They're both sleeping, and stop thanking me for doing things that involve those two. I know you appreciate it. Just know as long as we're together, they're my boys. It isn't watching them; it's hanging out with my kids." She smiled her eyes glistening.

"I...thank you." I laughed.

"What were you really going to say?"

"I just, I don't know how you're real." She laughed. "You're just so amazing with the boys and I, and I know we aren't exactly easy."

"Well, I love you so it makes it pretty damn easy for me." She was looking down at my chest, still in my arms but that made her look up quickly.

"You love me?" I laughed lightly nodding my head.

"Hell yea I do."

"But I'm so difficult, and I came with two kids. I can't..."

"You can't what?"

"I don't know."

"I know he beat you down so hard that you lost love for yourself. I also know that you've been steady gaining that love back every day. After everything that you've been through, that those boys have been through. None of it defines who you are, I've told you this before. It also doesn't mean you aren't lovable, and Quinn I love the hell out of you and those two boys." I laughed out again as she started cry with a big smile. I started wiping her tears away. "Don't cry baby."

"They're happy tears Kessler."

"Well, that's good, but I still don't like seeing you cry. Breaks my heart."

"I just, I didn't think anyone could ever...reciprocate the feelings I have for them. Let alone falling in love with you of all people." I smiled wide, pulling her lips back against mine.

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