Everything All At Once

30 4 1

Jan 6

I don't feel so empty like the people say.
Never really felt that 'abyss' sort of way.
It isn't cold and dark, inside my head.
Not rather sad, nor full of dread.
Instead it's quite chaotic,
And simply plain erratic.
My brain is always in motion.
My heart a stormy ocean.
Body lazed by a sleeping potion.
Inside a swirling ball of commotion.
What a curious notion.
That one can feel every emotion.
A great humongous blaze of intent.
Of future days and hours spent.
A weaving, looping thing that went.
And came back later to ferment.
This poem only the tiniest segment,
Of threads tying my torment.
An affair unexplainable.
From an outsider, uninterpretable.
I know not origins of it's birth.
Nor how it removes my worth.
But I can't recall a time before.
And can only imagine there'll be more.

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