Study Tips

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1. Sleep 8-10 Hours Every Weekday
Do not stay up all studying, you need your rest. No rest actually makes you lose intelligence. Studies show, kids with no sleep have the same or less intelligence as six-year olds. If you do get sleep, you will remember the things much quicker.

2. Eat Brain Foods
When studying, don't go straight to junk food. Instead, go for: Yogurt, Fish, Tomatoes, Berries, Avocadoes, Sunflower & Pumpkin Seeds, Broccoli or Whole Grains.

3. Find a Peaceful Study Place
Sometimes desks can be uncomfortable for long periods of time. So find the perfect, comfortable space for you. It could be a bed, couch, or outside.

4. Turn off Distractions
Your TV or phone can be distracting when studying. Set the mood if you love to listen to music while you study. Put on meditation music or something relaxing and calm to help focus. Plug those headphones in and avoid any outside noise.

5. Highlight Important Details
Highlight important parts in your notes or reading, so when you're reading it over, you can focus on the important stuff. Makes studying a lot easier and less time consuming.

6. Flash cards
If there is vocab words you need to know, its best to write them on one side of the flashcards and on the other side write the definition.

I hope this helped!! Comment what I should do next.

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