It's Hard to Do This

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"Hey," Merlin said as he entered, two vials in his hands.

"Hi," Morgana turned to face him. "I read most of the book."

"Already?" Merlin exclaimed, pleasantly surprised.

Morgana blushed and looked down. "I've got nothing better to do during my days."

Merlin shrugged, not sure weather to pity or envy her. "By the way, Arthur's getting suspicious. We should be more careful."

"How? Already as it is you shouldn't be visiting me so often, but it's even worse when-" Morgana lowered her voice so that it was barely even a whisper. "magic," she returned to normal. "is involved."

"I agree. But I have an idea." Merlin said, showing a cheeky grin. "Gwen has always been looking at the two of us strangely. I bet if you lyed to Gwen about a few things we'd be able to spend more time with each other."

Morgana looked astounded. "You want me to tell Gwen that I like you?" Morgana turned away, pretending to fix her hair so that Merlin couldn't see her blush.

"Well, not that it has to be true,"

"-Because it's not." Morgana pitched in, a little too soon.

"Right, it's not," Merlin smiled a little and looked down, flicking his hair out of his eyes. "But Gwen has always thought of us as something more, so if we can manipulate that she will, without a doubt, convince Arthur that we should spend more time together."

"It's a little strange and odd, but I'll do it." Morgana said, trying to sound reluctant.


Later that day, Gwen brought Morgana her lunch.

"Gwen, I've got something to tell you." Morgana said.

"Does it have something to do with the fact that you always have Merlin hanging around you?" Gwen asked cheekily.

"God, Gwen!" Morgana exclaimed, growing red. "...Is it that obvious?"

Gwen laughed. "Kinda! Plus, Arthur told me and that confirmed my suspitions."

"Oooh, Arthur." Morgana nudged Gwen. Now it was her who grew red. "Whatever."

"Here: you help me out with Merlin, and I help you out with Arthur." Morgana suggested, trying not to sound fake. But was it fake? Yes, of course it's fake. Don't be stupid Morgana.

"How could we do that?"

"Well, you could convince Arthur that we should spend more time together, so that Merlin doesn't have to work so much, and I could talk to Arthur, because we sit next to each other every dinner."

"You know, that might just work! I'll see what I can do." Gwen said, grinning broadly now.

"Great!" Morgana faked a smile. Once again, her smile felt less and less fake. Hold on, could I really like Merlin? Morgana felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She didn't know it yet, but that feeling was of love.

I'm going to be doing a lot of small entries from now for a while. I'll do my best to post regularly, but I'm quite busy.

I Can Be Good (Mergana Fic) {COMPLETED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora