Chapter 30: Rot In Jail

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Dixie's POV:
"What are you doing here?" I looked behind me, checking to see if Noah was still asleep. Then, I looked back up at Adam, my ex. He was standing in the doorway, as if his appearance was something casual.

"I have a proposition for you." I had made it very clear to him that I didn't wan to see him again, and I doubt he would come back if it wasn't for something truly important. I didn't trust him. Absolutely not. I know better than that. But I could at least listen to what he has to say.

"Come outside." Was what I said, and when I looked over to him, he slapped a smile on his face before walking out the door. I was following close behind him. "What is it?" He laughed at my lack of patience.

It's true. I would much rather be watching Noah sleep than talk to him. "Snappy aren't we." I rolled my eyes as the last word rolled off his tongue. "Okay okay, I'm sorry." He put his hands up in defense, and if it wasn't for my self composure, I would've already left.

"I heard about your mother." He quickly got my attention at the word 'mother'. It led me to suspect that maybe he knew where she was. "And I want to help you find her." He smirked when he finished talking.

He was always quite fond of my mother, which explains why I needed to get away from the both of them. I just didn't understand why he would turn against her. Or if he would turn against her. For all I know he could end up just using me.

"I know you don't trust me, but hear me out." I nodded my head, giving him the signal to keep talking. "When you left, your mother became a psychopath." As if she wasn't already one. "She wanted to come up with some plan to ruin your life." I wasn't getting what he was saying, and his constant breaks between sentences wasn't helping.

"And I'll admit, I hated you. Maybe I still do. But I never wanted to be apart of what she was planning. I couldn't. I tried leaving her, I even tried running away like you. But before I knew it she shot my mother and my sister." He said the last few words with hurt in his voice.

"They didn't make it, but she finally left me alone. She actually went to go chase after you. She found your address. But obviously you already knew that." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I was pissed off. I had lost the 2 most important people in my life, and I wanted to get revenge."

I sighed, fidgeting with my hands while he continued to speak. "When I heard about Noah getting shot, I figured you wanted it just as much as I do." I was trying to wrap my head around all the information. How did he even know about the shooting?

"Which leads me to my proposition. I need to find her, and I know you could help with that. The cops are doing a shitty job, and I know you want her to be punished for what she did." He wasn't wrong. I wanted her to rot, and go to hell.

"We could find her. Together. And we could do it before your boyfriend wakes up." My heart wanted to agree immediately, but I didn't want to get into something that would end up messy. "Why should I trust you."

He chuckled at my trust issues, which by the way made me want to slap him in the face. HE was the one who caused them in the first place. "Look, I get it. And honestly you shouldn't. But if it makes you feel better, I'm doing this for myself. I just need your help."

"I want to kill her Dixie. Trust me, I wouldn't keep her alive for shit." I looked back at the room we walked out of. I need to do this for Noah. For myself. For us. She needed to be punished and shown no remorse.

I didn't care anymore. Not a single part of body gave a shit about her. "Okay fine. But we leave now, and come back tonight. If it takes any longer I'm out of this." I needed to set a limit. I wanted to return to my life before all of this happened.

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