Chapter 28: Get Well Soon

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Dixie's POV:
It's been a week since Noah's been at the hospital. A fucking week and yet he's not getting any better, and my mother still hasn't been caught. A fucking week, and I still don't know if the love of my life is going to be okay.

My mother, she ran as soon as the bullet was shot. Cops have been looking everywhere for her, and yet not a single trace of her was found. It's seems like she's been planning this for a while now.

Noah's mom came yesterday. I tried to calm her down, tell her everything was going to be okay, but it was pitiful. I could barley keep myself together, and I knew she saw right through me. If anything she was the one comforting me, not the other way around.

"Baby. Please come back to me." A warm rear shed down my face. Here he was, in a hospital bed all plugged up with wires, still unconscious in a coma. His face looked so... lifeless. And to know it was all because of me only made everything worse.

I watched him for hours. I sat in that chair, even after hours not letting anyone drag me out. I watched his heart spike, and then go low. I watched him get blood transfusions because he had lost so much blood when he was laying on the floor.

And finally, I watched him stay in the exact same position, not a single muscle moving. I started crying whenever I observed too much. Seeing him so calm and stiff, not talking nor moving, made me want to kill myself at the exact moment.

I want to go back in time to be the one who opens the door and gets shot. It should've been me. I wish it was. I couldn't handle seeing him like this. He was the only person who brought me joy. Who showed me happiness at its finest. I could never take another breath if he wasn't with me any longer.

The only thing keeping me going is that monitor that shows he's still breathing. It's gives me the smallest of hope that everything's going to be fine. That he was going to wake up, and we would go back to living out happy lives, together. I even imagine us married, and with kids. We look so happy.

That's what keeping me going. Not my dads words, nor mama Beck's. But the thought of our future. The future that I am praying to god we end up having.


"I don't know what else I could possibly tell you officer. I told you everything I knew." I've been talking to the police since the incident. I've told them everything about my mom. I even told them where she might be. But I have nothing more to tell them.

"I'm sorry ma'am, we just want to catch her." I sighed at the cops frustration. I felt bad that I couldn't help him anymore, but my mind was drifting off to other places. I needed to make sure my baby was okay.

"If I think of anything else, I will make sure to tell you officer, but I need to get back to my boyfriend so if you'll excuse." I gave him a quick nod before walking away. I felt bad for not giving him any more information, but I've already done enough going through painful memories to give him the information I did.

"How's he doing? Any updates?" Mama Beck came back from Noah's room, a frown still on her face. There was no point in asking anymore, but yet I still did. "No. Same thing they've been telling me since I got here." I sighed, frustration coursing through me.

"I'm going to go to the apartment, you stay here." I smile nodded at mama Beck before she walked off. I walked into Noah's room, my face dropping once again seeing him so dull. "When will all this get better?" I whispered to myself. Part of me hoping Noah would magically get up and reply.

"How's he doing?" My dad came up behind me, trying to give me a hug. I walked away from him, not being able to think of his hugs without thinking of Noah. Noah gives the best hugs, especially when I need to be comforted.

"Not any better. I mean his body is recovering. The wound is already healing, but he's not waking up." My previous action offended my father, but he didn't say anything about it. He's been with me this whole week, trying to be there for me.

"He'll wake up." I looked down at Noah, my hand grabbing a hold of his. "How do you know that." I was quickly becoming frustrated. Everyone's been telling me the same thing, and yet I still have no answer. "I need time alone with him. Please."

My father gave me a stern look before walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I felt bad for being so rude, but seeing Noah like this, made me just as lifeless as him. He was the air I needed to breath, and without him, I was slowly losing it.

"Please baby. I know your drained right now, but please come back to me. I need you." A tear went down my face once again. I've been crying so much I was sure that u wouldn't have any more tears left after this. "I love you so much baby. Please." My grip in his hand tightened.

I was pretending that he had gripped my hand back, but when I snapped back into reality, my tears only shed faster. My eyes were turning red from all the crying, they were puffy. I hadn't even taken a shower. I couldn't. Everything seemed impossible.

Just the mere task of living was getting harder by the second. I had nothing to live for without him by my side. He made my life worth living. He made me happy. But without him, that meant nothing.

I couldn't bare to live knowing he wasn't able to. I would lose myself before I would allow to lose him. To me, he's something out of this world. I never knew my heart could be so happy until I met him. And as cliche as it is, he turned my world upside down.


"TELL ME SOMETHING! ANYTHING?!" I screamed at the doctors. The same doctors who have been with Noah for the past 2 weeks, and yet haven't told me anything. "Ma'am we don't know anything just yet." Even after my outburst, they remained calm, as if what was happening to Noah meant nothing.

"THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU A DOCTOR?! GET ME SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP ME! AND DO IT BEFORE I GET YOU FIRED!" I screamed back, now making my way towards them. They had started to back away, which was probably for the better.

"MY BOYFRIEND HAS BEEN LAYING IN THIS BED FOR TWO WEEKS NOW, AND YOUR TELLING ME YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING?!" I pointed at Noah, and yet they didn't seem to care. Why would they? To them it's all about getting paid. Why would they give a fuck that I might lose someone with so much value to me.

"Please stop yelling ma'am. I will go check his stats right now." She smiled shakily before walking out, the other two following her. I didn't understand why they couldn't do their job in the first place.

"Please wake up soon, I'm going to go insane without you." I say down in the chair next to the bed. I just stare at him, hoping that when I blink and I open my eyes, I will see him awake. Then I could kiss him and tell him how much I love him.

Get well soon my love, I'll be waiting for you when you wake up.


HII AGAINNN!! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter;) it was low key sad to write, but I loved it either way. Love you allll, byeee<33
Word count: 1348

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