V - Tied (Finale)

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Jessica had just closed another deal for a new apartment building. And even though her co-workers were happy for her and teasing her to treat them to dinner, she just laughed it off and gave the team leader her card so they could eat out. She's not joining them. She never did unless Tiffany was there too.

"Jess, are you sure you're not coming with them? I mean, you need some time to enjoy." Tiffany said as she stood beside Jessica who's busy cleaning up her table.

"I'm fine. You know I'm never interested in that. Dinner together instead?" She asked as she put the folders in her drawer and locked it.

"Sure! That's why I'm here. I was about to ask you. Hurry up."

They both went to their usual go-to dinner restaurant. An Italian restaurant just near the office, which was the same place that Yuri and she both visited often in the past.

Their plates are now empty but their glasses are still filled with white wine.

"Someone already bought it."

"Bought what?"

"Your property. The building where you supposed to have the new office for B&E."

Three years ago, Yuri's lawyer met with Jessica. She was perplexed reviewing the document that the lawyer gave her. Yuri had put the property under her name. She didn't know why her ex-wife made that sudden decision. They never really had the chance to talk after her first and last visit. She knows how much Yuri hated her. Her ex-wife even told her to never come back because she didn't want to see her again.

So, why?

In the end, she wasn't able to do anything since Yuri's team was too insisting. She signed the papers and waited until everything was legally settled. It took her three years to finally decide to sell it.

"Kwon Enterprise bought it." Tiffany said in a straight face.

Jessica's eyes widened with her mouth half open hearing what Tiffany said. "K--Kwon?"

Tiffany hummed in response as she took a sip from her glass.


Tiffany gave a nod and it gave her chills. Her heart starts beating so fast, her hands start to feel numb.

"Tiffany why didn't... Why didn't you tell me? I mean, why now?" Jessica starts to panic.

Tiffany then lets out a laugh. "Sorry Jess, I'm just... I'm just... messing with you." She laughed again. "It's Tyler Kwon. Not your Kwon."

Jessica heaved a sigh of relief then rolled her eyes. "I could kill you, you know?"

"Sorry Jess! Love you! They're settling the payment tomorrow. I'll let you know."

Jessica nodded. "Thank you. But I still hate you. Damn Young!"

Tiffany couldn't stop laughing until Jessica joined her too.

"Don't you ever want to see her again?" Tiffany asked after she requested the bill.

Jessica sighed. "Of course I do. But she didn't want to see me for sure. Besides, she looks happy and she's engaged."

"But we all know that it's not gonna work for so long. You know that in the end, it's still going to be you guys. You know that because you can never change that."

Jessica didn't answer. As much as she wanted to believe that, it doesn't change the fact that Yuri loves someone else now. And sooner or later she'll spend her life with that person, and that's not her. She knows that she can only force herself to her ex-wife again if the odds open for them.

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