IV - The Night

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For her usual annual routine, Jessica gets a bottle of wine and two glasses. She gets the framed photo from the hanging shelf then sits on the floor by the full glass window.

The moment she sips from her glass, tears escape her eyes, she's back to square one again. The bitter-sweet taste of her drink complements what she's actually feeling right now.

More than anything in this world, all she wanted was her ex-wife's forgiveness and hopes for a second chance of their love story. Thinking that it can actually happen is a miracle that she knows the universe will never give her. But for six long years, that's all she wants and nothing more. How can she ever be ready to enter a new relationship if she already found the best? The best person that she'll probably never have again.

"So you're engaged," She says while looking at the night city view. "I knew you'd be perfect for each other. You had each other even before me. At least I know that you're in good hands."

She gets the framed photo then stares at their once joyful and in love faces. More painful tears fall on her face.

"Should I let you go now, for real? Don't we really have another chance left?"

She clinked the glasses then held the frame near her face.

"Happy birthday Love." She kissed Yuri's face on the photo then chugged her glass.

She drank empty the other one then held the photo on her chest. Hugging her knees and crying her heart out, she knows that time will get longer and dark for her again. And this time, it'll be more difficult for her to survive each day.

"I don't think I can Love," She sobs. "I can never let you go. Be mine again, please."

The night indeed went longer. It's almost midnight when she finished the bottle and she's still sober. She wanted to have another round but making her stay there feels suffocating for her. She got her coat and purse then went out. She didn't drive, she walked and walked without a clear destination until she reached the building of their old apartment and where her shop used to operate. She stood in front of the building that's now closed and has a banner pinned on the barriers that says, 'For reconstruction and under negotiation'. It may not be the same as how it was before, but it'll never erase the memories they had in that place.

Around that area is the bar they used to go to whenever they wanted to drink. She hasn't stopped torturing herself. She even stared at their signed photo hanging in the bar area. The owner loves them both that he actually became a close friend of Yuri. The counter is long and not packed but she chose to be in that spot. That same spot where they used to sit.

"Ken," She calls the bartender. "Whiskey neat, please."

"Yes, Ma'am."

As the bartender prepares her drink, someone sits next to her.

"So, you like drinking alone?" The man asked.

Jessica looks at him with tired and puffy eyes. The man noticed it but he didn't ask the reason behind it.

"Dong-wook, hi."

"Hi, so, are you really alone? Waiting for someone?"

Ken puts her glass on the counter.

"Thanks, Ken."

"I'll have one too. Thank you."

Ken bowed and prepared the new drink.

"I didn't know you're into hard drinks."

Jessica stares at her glass as her finger traces the lining. She smirks remembering Yuri. Her ex-wife never lets her drink hard liquor after she had one and she passed out on her second shot. Since then, she only had wine or champagne.

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