PT 5 - Fear

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Sun was using every bit of his energy to keep the young boy distracted. He didn't let the boy stray out of arms reach in fear that he'd get too loud and gain attention from the others. And he'd been doing a great job too! He had everything going as smoothly as it could.

Until that voice came back...

See, Sun's job after hours was to clean up messes left behind by the kids in his care. It was a line of programming that was constantly there but was ramped up during the night to ensure the play area would be spotless by the time children got here. Usually he managed to keep thr place spotless as the kids played so that overwhelming feeling during the nighttime hours didn't effect him as much.

During this time he likened a mess to the feeling of dread, at least that's how the workers described it to him. Similar to the kind of feeling a child gets when they've done something incredibly bad. A sinking feeling that he'd get in trouble or that he'd be outright decommissioned if everything wasn't spotless. This, of course, wasn't the case. Though no amount of convincing could change purposefully made programming.

It was while he held the boy in his hands, attempting to place him down, that an echo screamed through his head.


The scream greatly startled Sun, his mind overtaken by the sound. He dropped the boy before looking around as if he'd find the source of the voice manifested somewhere else. What happened instead was a clumsy fall as he tripped over a stack of toys, knocking them and him down in a loud fall. When he looked up and noticed the mess he felt that dreadful feeling sink in.

"Oh no. Oh no no no no no no NO! I-I've made a mess!" He yelled before quickly throwing himself at the toys, hastily trying to fix them.

The clanging of toys followed by his panicked yell had quickly awoken you. You had learned to be a rather light sleeper, ready to spring up at a moment's notice, just in case you had to run or hide. It was practically second nature at this point.

For a moment you panicked, not recognizing your surroundings. That didn't last long though as you soon recalled the day's events and remembered where you were. What caught your attention next was the lack of any nearby presence. Neither the animatronics you'd previously were here nor was anyone else for that matter. Blinking your tired eyes open, you wearily looked around before your mind fell onto a noise from outside. It sounded like Sun's voice but in your groggy state you couldn't quite make it voice out.

Hoping to see where he'd gone you silently ascended the stairs, not looking to draw any attention to yourself. You made it to the podium you'd seen briefly before. It allowed for a full look around the playroom, though your eyes quickly fell on an unfamiliar presence.

Is that a kid?

You couldn't make out much from here, the distance too great to fully see any features. Though they seemed to be quickly making their way to the security desk, as if on a mission. You couldn't quite focus more on the kid as Sun's voice caught your ear, the familiar sound immediately pulling your attention.

"I-I have glitter glue! Googly eyes?" He inquired in the kids direction as he attempted to quickly make his way over to the child, almost running to them. He didn't make it far though as he tripped over another pile of toys, falling on his face and in doing so losing his faceplate. He quickly grabbed it, shoving it back on before turning around to the toys he just tripped over as he quickly tried to pick them up. He had to keep one hand on his face to keep it in place, his other hand struggling to quickly pick up the mess.

Sun was in an absolute panic.

Everything was piling up. The day's events with you and your painful silence, his loud echos of Moon, his inability to keep himself together in both sense of the phrase, his panic to keep you staying here a secret, these knocked over toys, this little boy who was so incredibly close to the light switch-

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