PT 1 - Abandoned and Broken

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TW: this book mentions abuse and other dark themes. Proceed at your own risk


The Freddy Fazbear Mega PizzaPlex. What a name huh? It was one that drew the attention of families from all over the area. It was the destination for kids and teens, no other place was anything like it! The high-tech animatronics the place was known for were what really sold the show. And for a young kid like yourself, it was mesmerizing. The lights, the sounds, the games! You dreamed of seeing it. Of escaping to the child's wonderland. 

To escape this hell...

But those seemed like fever dreams to your tiny mind. Your parents would never allow it, not with your 'bad behavior'. Daydream all you want, but there was no escaping the scornful glare of your mother or the apathetic stare of your father. Try as you might you never could please them. Whether it was the wrath of your mother or the disconcern and neglect of your father, you had never been allowed such childlike pleasures. Any time you'd gain the courage to ask for anything, even as small as a candy bar, they'd harp on how bad of a child you were, how you were always so selfish, and that you always asked so much of them. So you learned not to ask. Hell, you'd grown the habit of not talking at all. It only ever got you into more trouble. So you remained silent throughout your young life. 

Today seemed no different. Having spent hours waiting in a car for your parents, not daring to disobey your mothers command to stay there. Luckily it was cooler outside so you were fine with waiting. You entertained yourself with thoughts of toys and Candy, of fun and games, of a life you didn't live.

It was your eighth birthday after all and while neither one of your parents seemed to care, you sure did.

After your mothers trip outside the car she got back in and went on her normal routine to pick up your father. It was only a few seconds later that her yelling started. You heard the first few screams about how 'she didn't want to have to babysit' and how your father 'should just get rid of you if he doesn't want you'. It was after those yells that you zoned out. The common screams blended in with the low hum of the car as you let your mind drift to more pleasant things. Like birthday cake and ice cream.

This went on for hours which was rather unusual as the house wasn't to far away from your fathers work. You chose not to take note of it though and instead completely dissociate from the situation causing those hours to pass by like minutes. You weren't aware of the conversation your parents were having nor how this chosen ignorance would come to shape your life.

"Y/N!" Your name cut through your wandering mind, earning your attention as you quickly swiveled your head towards the front of the car, locking eyes with your mother.

"Get out" she spoke, though the words almost didn't register with you. You looked around, realizing you weren't anywhere you recognized. You quickly looked back to your mother with confusion and hints of fear found in your expression. Her eyebrows only tilted further down at what she perceived as not only an insult, but outright disobedience.

"I said get out!" She repeated, causing you to jump once again, her tone was enough to melt away your confusion for the moment as your mind went on auto-drive, immediately following through with what she told you to do.

The sun was quickly finding its way to the horizon, the light of its burning fire only seeming brighter in the moments before sunset would come. The rain that had fallen only a few minutes earlier gave the air a denser, almost suffocating weight to it. Your small shoes fell on the concrete, a tiny splash made in the puddle that had formed in the more worn parts of the sidewalk. You quickly held your body, the cold air nipping at your exposed skin almost immediately. You looked back to the car wondering why you were told to get out. 

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