Harry Potter x fem reader-I Fell In Love With A Warewolf (2)

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Harrys POV:

Lilly: Harry it's something else that weighs you down right.

My mother asked me, right now the only thing on my mind is Yn.  What if I survive this and she never wants to see me again and that she will always hate me.  I turned and looked at Professor Lupin.

Harry: I can not stop thinking about Yn she is so angry with me.  She absolutely hates me right now because you and Tonks are gone.  And I do not want her to hate me, but I fully understand her.  You're her dad and she saw Tonks as her real mother.

I said to him with tears in my throat, I never wanted this to happen.  I love her and I really meant not to hurt her.

Lupin: She will forgive you and I know she will make it.  My daughter is probably one of the strongest I have known besides your mother and Tonks and even her mother.  And Harry I know you love her and I allow you to be with her but you but you have to Promise me one thing that you take care of her she may be strong but she needs people who are by her side.

Harry:I promise.




No no it must not be true I shouted no then I started running there but I was stopped by George stopping me and took me in his arms and held me.  I tried to fight my way out but he refused to let go of me.  I started crying I wished at that very moment that I could transform into my werewolf shape.  I felt like I was starting to shake I really did not want my last memory with Harry that I hit him or that my last words what that I hate him.  For those words are not true I hate him not rather the opposite I love him.

(Jumpskip again sorry)

Finally, the battle ice over Voldemort is gone, I thought as I sat on a chair in the dining room at Hogwarts.  In a way, I'm glad it's over but also completely overwhelmed that we lost so many nice and wonderful people.  I looked to my left and saw Harry and he started walking towards me.  I decided to do something I should have done a long time ago.  I got up from the chair and ran to him and when I was very close I threw myself into his arms and kissed him.  First he was shocked then he kissed me back I put all my feelings in the kiss the fear I had when I saw him in Hagrid's arms and the joy when I saw that he was alive and a forgiveness.  After a while we withdrew from the kiss but we were still in each other's arms.

Yn: I do not hate you.
Harry: Really.

Yn:I love you Harry Potter.
Harry: And love you Yn Lupin.

Then we kissed each other again but this kiss did not last long because we were interrupted by Ron and Hermione.

Hermione: It was really about time you two got together.
Ron: Harry you know you just acknowledged your feelings and kissed a werewolf.

We all looked at each other and we started laughing a little at what they had said.  Then Harry looked at me again and took his fingers under my chin and made me pull closer to his lips and before he kissed me again he said to me.

Harry: And I'm going to do it again.

The End_________________________________
And that was the last part of I Fell in Love with a Werewolf.  Hope you like it and do not forget Stay Awsome 😜.

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