Gay people slash neg

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Okay so hello have some headcanons but specifically just for the RYTSARs for now lol

Kingpin - neon blue eyes, messy black hair, 5', he/it/ze, transmasc genderfluid, biro cupiosexual, BPD + bipolar + hypersexual + DID

Vanguard - light brown eyes, medium brown hair, 6'2", they/nin, amab androgyne, toren demisexual, autism + ADHD

Observer - blue-green eyes, long black hair, 5'8", they/it, amab agender, bisexual gray-rose, ADHD

Specialist - deep brown-red eyes, cropped black hair, 6'1", they/them, transmasc demiboy, toric ace demiro, ADHD + autism + paranoia

Commando - ocean blue eyes, messy black hair, 5'10", he/they, transmasc boyflux, ace vincian, ADHD

Marauder - dark red eyes, messy dark brown hair, 5'9", he/gore/death/rot/it, transmasc paraboy xenogender, oriented aroace, BPD + ADHD + autism + OSDD

Guardian - near-black blue eyes, curly dirty blonde hair, 6'1", they/them, amab quoigender, omniro ace, autism + ADHD

Pilot - sea green eyes, fluffy blonde hair, 5'3", he/they/sky/pup, transmasc demiboy, pan gay aro, ADHD + autism + BPD + paranoia

Primary - ruby eyes, trimmed light brown hair, 5'11", thxy/it, axab agender, pan angled aroace, psychosis + ADHD

Next I'll do other people I guess lol these hcs don't completely line up with my headmates' interpretations nor the canon but that's okay

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