Chapter 2

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"Hey, your parents allowed Angela to be in your house right?" Earl asked Jack.

"Mhm, she'll be coming in at lunch time, which means she's already at the house. I can't believe it, that we saved that girl and will protect that same girl now. I just feel bad for her parents." Jack says as we walk to the place of the fight. We then approach a giant make shift city with buildings in it.

"Okay class, this is the place of the fight. You will be put in 4 random teams against another team of 4, there will be spectators for the fights. Your goal is to either make the opponent give up, or capture them. I don't want any serious injuries either, powers are permitted. Just try not to destroy the arena. You can spectate the arena from up here and there will be cameras in the arena to record everything. And remember, there is no such thing as fair and unfair in a fight." Lawrence then smiles. "Everyone, here will be the first fight. Starting with team one, which will include... Able, Earl, Heather, and Blake." I was in shock as I heard my name, I was going to be on the first fight? And.. against who?

"Unbelievable... I got on the same team as the person with like, five powers! Hah!" Blake says, happily.

"Well, it seems that we have a good team already. But we'll have to see our opponents first." Heather says to us.

"Then in team two.. fighting team one is... Michael, Jake, Saryn, and Jem!"

"WHAT? THOSE?" I said loudly.

"It seems,that the other team... Has a unlikely chance of winning, I have programmed already 3496 ways to win. If we cooperate, we can win easily. And even without a single mishap, of course you will just have to follow my orders." Michael said to the others.

"Sweet! I'm with Jem, I was worried I would have to fight her... But it seems we'll have to fight Earl and Able. But I think we'll win." Jack says. He was relieved, but he walked up to us unsuspectingly. He sticks his hand out and smiles. "Good luck." He says to me and Earl. We shake his hand and deploy onto the battlefield.

"Okay... Anybody actually have a plan?" Earl says.

"Well, it seems that the main target of ours should be the biggest threat. That... Thing, Michael! He seems to be the most intelligent, by a long shot too. Just him alone could take on our entire team at the same time! He must have a genius plan, but if the others on his team don't do exactly as he says. We could have a shot at winning this." Heather examines the fight.

"Like the thinking there, but that doesn't tell us what we should do!" Blake says.

"We only have a minute, damn it! I say we just get through by force, we have mostly attack types here. So we just do the dumbest, but most unsuspecting thing. We burst through the middle and go straight at them!" The alarm then goes off, the fight has begun!

"Let's just do that then. No other ideas anyways." Blake then flies straight through the middle of the city, going over the buildings.

"Well, follow him Able!" Earl tells me. I then jump up, trying to fly. But instead I fall back down like normal.

"What the hell? Let me try it again..." I then jump up, trying to boost myself up off the ground. But nothing happens! "My powers... They won't activate.. what the heck?" Then suddenly came flying at us a pipe.

"Careful!" Heather yells to me and she pushes me away with a flood of water.

"Jem has already began attacking... Damn it, they already got a range advantage! Blake has to come back now!" Earl says. Then he throws a small slime ahead. "That thing will track them down. And keep me informed on their positions. We have to catch up to Blake for now then." We began running down the streets of the city, not finding a single trace of them. We were running and suddenly I look up and the sky turned black. It began to blink darkness. Then my vision went black. I couldn't speak, but I could feel myself move. What was happening?

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