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"Kokichi?" Shuichi gasped a bit in shock. I was put back into the room and I realized that I had started crying. Tears were coming down my cheeks and it scared me.

"Oh, shit- The last time I cried was like forever ago~ this is so weird~," I said laughing trying to get off the topic of my random tears. But the problem was...my tears didn't fucking stop coming. More and more came into the picture making it almost impossible to take them out of the picture without some really good photo editing software-

But even my lies can't get me out of some situations- so I then turn to divert the attention from said topic where I was caught in my lies and move onto another one that is probably harmful to someone's feelings probably. Nah, definitely harmful to someone's feelings. Because when feelings are involved any reasoning is thrown out of the invisible window and taken completely out of the discussion.

"Kokichi, it's okay to cry, you know." Shuichi's soft voice pulled me back into wanting to just spill my feelings all over the floor. But- knowing me I will continue to lie even if I trust him because it is simply in my nature to lie.

"Ah well of course someone like you would say that~ You cry all the time! What a baby~" I said trying to laugh over the strong feeling of wanting to break down. I can't break down in front of him because I am positive he will keep that information and probably share it with others. To give them an explanation for my actions, or some shit. I know they would believe him because he is the ultimate detective so he tells the truth- most of the time.

"Kokichi." Shuichi looked me sternly in the eyes. He almost looked angry with me. I felt a chill go up my spine. It's not just his normal annoyance, it seems like genuine anger.

Maybe I went too far by calling him a cry baby, when really deep down...I know I can be way more of a crybaby sometimes. Sure I make it seem like I am having a fake tantrum with fake tears, but those "tantrums" help me get out the tears that have been suppressed for years.

"Stop lying." His words stabbed into me. He knows I'm lying? Of course, he does! There is no point in denying it anymore. He saw my tears, he saw my reaction, and he saw through my lies. So now I am completely defenseless. What a goddamn shame that my beloved Shumai broke me down like this! It almost makes me want to cry-

"Lying?" I asked with a confused look on my face. The look on his face told me he wasn't buying it so I sighed, "Okay- you got me. I totally lied just then." I could feel my overly sarcastic demeanor come back. I wanted to shoo it away so I could at least get Shuichi and his curious detectiveness off of my ass- but it comes and when it comes back it intends to stay.

"I can tell you are lying Kokichi. Sure I can't see through all of your lies. But after some time I can tell that you force yourself to be something you're not around the others." My eyes widened, "Wha-"

"You always talk like you are just getting close to the others just to mess with them and lie to them when really I know you are just trying to see what words make them react a certain way." The more he spoke the more I felt my unsaid plans being written on the blueprint of our supposed "relationship" or whatever the hell this is-

"You are trying to learn more about them to protect yourself if they start seeing how you are forcing yourself to be this 'evil dictator' when I can tell that's not who you are." He smiled a bit making me feel a bit more at ease. Okay, maybe this wasn't so bad. Shuichi seems more comfortable with this- but why does this kind of feel like he is presenting a case to me. Maybe that's all I am to him...

Something to be solved.

The Dare [Saiouma/Oumasai] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now